Since avoiding can't solve the problem, it's better to face it. Although she has some problems in her heart, she can't wipe out everything Bai Mo has done for her. In this case, it's better to get along as a friend.

saw Xiao orange Ya seemed to agree. Ning Meng Yao had a great sigh of relief. If Xiao orange disagreed with her again, she would really have to make complaints about it.

After talking with Xiao Chengya for a while, I watched her drink medicine and put medicine on her wound. Then I went out.

As soon as I went out, I saw the white ink standing not far away, and walked over: "let's go somewhere else."

Bai Mo nodded and walked with Ning Mengyao towards the garden, waiting for some distance from Xiao's room before stopping.

"Did you hear what I said to my mother?" Although with doubt, but the tone is so positive.


"Baimo, I hope you can take care of my mother." Ning Mengyao looks at Bai Mo seriously. She gives her mother to a person who was once the enemy. However, she still feels uneasy.

White Mo wryly smiled: "don't worry, I will take good care of her. When she is well, I will take her back to Xiaoguo."

However, Ning Mengyao shook his head: "Miao Jiang is still safe for the time being, and this is also your territory. Most of it is in your hands, so it's safer for you here. Now Xiaoguo is not so safe. I don't want my mother to go back to take risks. Even if she wants to go back, she will go back after all the things have been solved."

White Mo chuckles: "I know, ya'er has a good daughter."

"Are you jealous?" Ningmengyao eyebrows light pick.

"A little." In his whole life, he thought that Xiao Chengya had no other women or children. Now he saw that ya'er's children were so good, and he thought about her everywhere. He said that he didn't envy them. They were all fake.

Ningmengyao humed, some haughty mouth: "even if it's jealousy, it doesn't have your share."

When Qiao Tianchang came over holding Qiao moshang, he saw Ning Mengyao and Bai Mo standing side by side and didn't know what they were talking about. The expression between them made him uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about Yao Yao?"

Ningmengyao's face was covered with a good-looking smile. She turned around and looked at Qiao Tianchang. Her lips were slightly raised: "let's ask him to help take care of my mother's affairs again."

"I have informed Qingshuang of them. Pack up and we will leave tomorrow." Qiao Tianchang ignores Bai Mo and just looks at Ning Mengyao and says.

"Are you ignoring me, boy?" When Bai Mo saw Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao finish talking, he planned to pull people away, and his face turned black.

He is his elder, isn't he? I don't know how to respect the old and love the young.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Bai Mo and says, "just know."

"Let's go." When Bai Mo was about to speak, Ning Mengyao had dragged Qiao Tianchang away.

White ink eyelids jump straight, looking at the two people ignore him, directly leave the people, the heart is extremely depressed.

Qiao Tianchang ignored him even though, how even ya'er's daughter ignored him? Does he have a face that people ignore?

White ink at night, that face is completely black, Qiao Tianchang is not much better, see white ink no matter how look bad.

As for the reason? That's because since the afternoon, Ning Mengyao has been staying in Xiao Chengya's room, not even coming out for dinner, and Ning Mengyao even said that she would sleep with Xiao Chengya in the evening.

Suddenly, the faces of the two men were as gray as the bottom of the pot.

"Why can't you even look at your daughter-in-law?" This words how to listen to all let a person feel gnash teeth, wish to open Joe Tianchang, chew the right to eat.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Bai Mo contemptuously and said, "those who are rejected by my mother-in-law are not qualified to speak."


The two people stare at each other, and in the room, Ning Mengyao is sitting by the bed talking to Xiao Chengya.

Of course, Ning Mengyao said that she would go to bed with Xiao Chengya. That's just saying. If she really sleeps here tonight, she will be killed by someone's eye knife tomorrow.