Thinking of ningmengyao's woman, Yang Suyun's heart began to compare again, so she asked the servant girl to start dressing her up.

She has been married to this family for a long time, and Yang Suyun has studied dressing for a long time, which is really useful now.

"Master." After cleaning up, Yang Suyun takes his servant girl to the front hall. In the past, where is Yang Suyun's husband waiting.

Boss Lin saw his wife's appearance and nodded his head with satisfaction, so that he would not lose his face when he went out.

"Madam, let's go."


In the villa, Ning Mengyao is playing a game with Qiao moshang. Qiao Moshan doesn't come in for a while either. The mother and son are very happy.

"There's a visit outside, miss."

Ning Mengyao looked up at Qinghuai and said, "who is that?"

"The other side claims to be boss Lin, and you have cooperation with miss. I heard that you are back, so I plan to come and have a look."

Ningmengyao frowned. There are many people who have cooperated with them. Can no one see them?

"Who's here?"

"Boss Lin and his wife."

Ning Mengyao thought about it. Since people have come, they can't be turned away. So he asked Qiao mofeng to take Qiao moshang to the playground behind: "Qinghuai, go to lei'an's house and ask Tian Chang to come back."

This morning, Joe Tianchang went to Ryan's house. They didn't know what they were talking about.

"It's miss."

Qinghuai went out and looked at boss Lin. he said, "boss Lin, my young lady is welcome. Qingliu, please take them in. I'll give them to my uncle."

"Don't worry, big brother."

Boss Lin came to the villa for the first time. Seeing everything in the villa, boss Lin suddenly felt that his so-called "luxury house" could not be built at all. What is a luxury house? That's it.

Although he has been here several times before, but now he comes back, Yang Suyun still feels that this place gives him a kind of impulse to take it as his own.

Ningmengyao is sitting in the garden. On the stone table in front of her, there are some fruit snacks and a pot of tea.

When I saw someone coming, Ning Mengyao was stunned. The woman beside me was so familiar that she seemed to have met somewhere.

When Yang Lele saw Yang Suyun, he was totally shocked: "how are you?"

Ning Mengyao turned to look at Yang Lele, who was stunned. "You know Lele?"

"You don't remember Yao Yao? This is my uncle's cousin. " Yang Lele whispered in Ning Mengyao's ear.

Ningmengyao was also stunned. Then she looked at the woman who was dressed very well. She thought of the woman who had peeped at her man. Her mouth was slightly raised. She was really that woman.

"I've seen Mrs. Joe."

"Boss Lin is very kind. Please take a seat."

Yang Suyun tightly holds the handkerchief in his hand and looks at Yang Lele's stomach. He hates it. She has not moved since she married this man for such a long time. Now when she sees Yang Lele like this, the imbalance in her heart breaks out.

In particular, she had dressed up carefully today and wanted to press ningmengyao, but she found that she did not press ningmengyao, but even Yang Lele, a pregnant woman, could not compare with her.

"Cousin, I haven't seen you for a long time." See two people sit down, Yang Lele skin laugh meat not smile at Yang Suyun.

Yang Suyun's body stiffened: "we have nothing to do with it."

Yang Lele chuckled: "it doesn't matter? It doesn't matter how good one is. "

Boss Lin looked at his wife and the lady in front of him doubtfully: "excuse me, are you?"

"Me? I'm your wife's cousin. " Yang Lele said casually, "it's just a cousin who's not recognized."

Yang Suyun's face changed. He didn't dare to see boss Lin's expression.

Boss Lin was stunned. He looked at his wife unexpectedly: "madam, do you know Mrs. Qiao?"

Ning Mengyao sneers in her heart and knows her? That said, Ning Mengyao can't help clapping. He wants to be close, isn't it?

Yang Suyun shook his head awkwardly: "I just saw it a few times."

I don't really know each other.