Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Suyun indifferently, with a smile like expression on her face, which makes her heart cool.

Although she still hates this person, Yang Suyun also knows how good her life is now, which she is unwilling to give up. But if they tell boss Lin about these things, all her efforts in this period will be in vain.

Boss Lin took a look at Yang Suyun and saw the obvious panic on her face. It seems that things are totally different from what Yang Suyun said.

"Who is Yao Yao?" When boss Lin was about to speak, Joe Tianchang's voice came from behind.

"It's boss Lin," Ning Mengyao said with a smile on her face

Qiao Tianchang frowns, is that the one who sent the worship post yesterday? Looking at each other, Qiao Tianchang goes to Ning Mengyao and sits down: "I don't know what's the matter with boss Lin?"

Boss Lin smiled awkwardly. "I came here today to talk to boss Joe about business."

Qiao Tianchang, with a light brow, said, "is that right? This way, please. "

After the two men went to the study, Yang Lele looked at Yang Suyun with ironic eyes: "Yang Suyun, are you really powerful? Married such a person, but also with Uncle they cut off all relations

Son doesn't think mother is ugly, son doesn't think family is poor, but this woman, because Uncle they scold her, really cut off all relations with Uncle them, even have no room to maneuver.

Although they didn't say it, she knew that they were worried about Yang Suyun.

Yang Suyun's face was cold. He looked at Yang Lele coldly. "This is my business. It has nothing to do with you."

"It doesn't matter. I think it's disgraceful to have a cousin like you."

Ningmengyao sat on the edge, watching the two people you came and I talked to, without interrupting, but that's the way, the fire also burned on her.

Yang Suyun said that Yang Lele was not enough. She wanted to do it, but she endured it. This place is not where she can be wild.

"Are you proud of me, Ning Mengyao? If it wasn't for you to break up brother Joe and me, I wouldn't have married a man who would soon be my father. " In Yang Suyun's heart, Ning Mengyao is the one who breaks up her beautiful marriage.

Ningmengyao sprays out a mouthful of tea. The immortal one just sprays it on Yang Suyun's face. The delicate makeup on that face collapses at this moment.

"Ah Ningmengyao, you mean it. " Yang Suyun screamed and kept rubbing the tea on his face, but the more he rubbed it, the more flowers it was. The last face was almost invisible.

Ningmengyao wiped the corners of her mouth and said earnestly and calmly, "I mean it? Yang Suyun, how big is your brain hole? Can you tell me what I've done to break up you and Tianchang? It's clear that you want to be the one who destroys other people's families. In the end, Tianchang refused. Now you are relying on me. I still believe that... "

"Yao Yao is not angry for such a person. Besides, don't you know what kind of person she is?" Is that what cynicism says?

Yang Suyun's face is blue and white. Is it wonderful to put on her make-up?

"Ningmengyao, shut up." Yang Suyun shouted angrily, and at the same time, he looked nervously at the direction that boss Lin and Qiao Tianchang had just left.

With one hand on his chin, Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Suyun like that: "let me shut up in my house, Yang Suyun, you are still arrogant as before."

Yang Lele sat on the side and saw that Yang Suyun was like this now. I wish I could stand here and slap her two times directly. My uncle's family is such a good family. How could such a masterpiece appear? I don't know how to cherish it. I still push my own work to others everywhere. It's not too much.

"Ning Mengyao, if you dare to say it in front of the master, I will make you regret it."

Yang Lele disdained and said: "Yang Suyun, you are still talking to yourself as always." Let Yao Yao regret? As far as her ability is concerned, she doesn't even deserve to lift Yao Yao's shoes. She also deals with Yao Yao.