Yang Suyun 's parents and elder brothers all work in the workshop of Ning Mengyao family, and the woman who is trusted by ningmengyao is her cousin.

If you can pull that woman to your side and want to know what's in it, isn't it easy?

They really know what's inside, but all they see are finished products. No one has ever been in the places where they produce, and there are people watching those places.

Thinking of this, boss Lin's frown is finally stretched out.

As long as Yang Suyun can talk about his family, he won't worry about not getting the inside things.

The more you think about boss Lin, the better. In order to implement your plan quickly, boss Lin left his study and went to Yang Suyun's room.

Yang Suyun, who was beaten in the daytime, is still very unhappy. When he saw boss Lin, he snorted and ignored him.

Boss Lin knew he was wrong. He went to apologize to her and said some good words. That's all right.

In the next few days, boss Lin was obedient to Yang Suyun. After coaxing Yang Suyun, he said, "what is the relationship between Suyun and Yang Lele?"

Yang Suyun's action in his hand, suspiciously looking at boss Lin: "what do you want to do?"

Boss Lin smiled: "nothing, just think she seems to know you. What's the relationship between you? Do you think she can help us? " Boss Lin asked tentatively.

Yang Suyun was wary of what boss Lin was going to do. Who knew it was just for business? He immediately shook his head: "it's impossible. Yang Lele and Ning Mengyao have a very good relationship. If we don't say Yang Lele, her family won't help us."

It's not a lie. Didn't she try it? Their family is the same as stone, not only they, but also their brothers and sisters. Yang Suyun's face is not good-looking as long as he thinks about how to treat Ning Mengyao's parents in the first place.

Boss Lin didn't doubt Yang Suyun's words, his eyes narrowed slightly, then he said with a smile: "since Suyun is like this, do you know the people who work in their workshop? They have to trust it. "

Yang Suyun thought about it and nodded, "yes, but what are you going to do?"

"This is naturally useful. As long as we succeed, then we will have a lot to enjoy." As long as he gets the technology in her, where does he need to ask them? As long as I open a workshop, is that ok? It's a fool that money doesn't earn by itself.

Yang Suyun heard, eyes are bright: "better than Ning Mengyao them?"

"Of course."

"In that case, I'll help you find a way." Yang Suyun clapped at once.

As long as she can crush them, she will not hesitate.

With Yang Suyun for a few days, boss Lin got his own answer, and the smile on his face was more real.

"Then I'll wait for your good news." Boss Lin looks at Yang Suyun trustfully. It seems that he really left this matter to Yang Suyun.

Seeing that boss Lin believed in himself, Yang Suyun immediately smiled, "don't worry, I will help you do this no matter what."

Boss Lin was relieved at last.

Yang Suyun's movement is not slow either. He is ready to go home the day after boss Lin said it.

In that workshop, Ning Mengyao trusted her eldest brother.

As long as she can ask big brother to help, there will be no problem. She will destroy everything Ning Mengyao has now, and then she will live in that beautiful villa.

In order to make Yang Suyun do things better, boss Lin gave Yang Suyun five thousand Liang silver when he learned that she was going home, which means that as long as the goal can be achieved, money is not a problem.

Yang Suyun, who got five thousand liang of silver, was a little foolish. He got so much silver.

"Don't worry, sir. I will help you." Yang Suyun put up the silver and let it shine.