Boss Lin smiled and nodded, "that's trouble Suyun."

After seeing Yang Suyun off, the smile on boss Lin's face finally disappeared: "follow her."


On the carriage, Yang Suyun frowned. She didn't know if her parents, brothers and sisters still didn't go in as well as they did. For the sake of others, she would hurt her children.

At the thought of what they did at the beginning, Yang Suyun's expression was distorted. Up to now, she still hasn't forgotten the hurt and pain they brought to her.

Finally, Yang Suyun arrives at the door of his home, gets off the carriage and looks at the house which has been completely renovated. Yang Suyun's eyes are shocked.

I haven't come back for such a long time. My family has completely changed.

When people in the village saw such a carriage coming at the door of Yang's house, many people gathered around to see it. When they saw Yang Suyun, everyone was surprised. Some of them were still whispering, as if they were saying something.

Yang Suyun takes a look at the people on the edge, but he doesn't like the flash in his eyes. Then he takes his servant girl with the gift he brings back and walks into the house.

"Where are you talking about the girl of Yang family? I came back wearing such good materials and riding in such a good carriage, accompanied by a servant girl. I don't want to do anything shameful. " One of them said sourly.

"Don't you find that Yang Suyun's hair is a woman's bun?"

"You mean she's married? But if it's a marriage, we should know? "

For a moment, the whole village was talking, and the eyes of Yang family became more delicate.

Old Yang saw his granddaughter standing in front of him. She was not excited or angry, but asked plainly, "do you know how to come back?"

"Grandpa, I......"

"Girl Suyun, you are Are you married? " Grandma Yang looked at Yang Suyun's woman's bun differently, and she was shocked.

Mr. Yang was not so angry, but he heard his daughter-in-law's words. Then he noticed that Yang Suyun's bun was not the girl's but the woman's, and his face immediately changed, and it was very ugly.

"Grandma, I got married, half a year ago." Yang Suyun ignored Yang's black face and looked at grandma Yang and said, "I married the rich man to do the house filling. He is very good to me."

Yang Suyun said this to let them know that their identity is not the same now. It's not the girl they want to say or scold.

However, Mr. Yang's face can't be described as black any more. He has been married for half a year, and they, the elders, even now know that this is their good granddaughter and girl.

"Now that you have married such a good family, what are you doing back?" Old Yang has a cold face.

Yang Suyun frowned: "I came back to find my brother."

Mr. Yang immediately understood that he had nothing to do with the three treasures hall. He had something to think about this house. If it was ok, would he not come back for the rest of his life?

Grandma Yang was very happy when she saw her granddaughter. Who knows that it turned out to be such a result.

"The old woman is not allowed to take care of her. She is upset when she looks at her." Mr. Yang snorted and dragged grandma Yang, who was about to talk, into the room together.

Yang Suyun thought that when they knew their current status, they would surely come to make up for themselves. After all, their life could be better if she wanted to. Five thousand Liang silver. They may not have seen so much money, have they?

But now Yang's attitude makes Yang Suyun very dissatisfied.

"Grandpa, you..."

"Shut up, I don't want to hear you." Yang said impatiently.

There are only two girls in their old Yang family, one is Yang Lele, the other is Yang Suyun. But they are satisfied with their granddaughter, their grandson-in-law and their father-in-law.

But for this granddaughter, the more he looked at it, the less he liked it and the more he hated it.

Grandma Yang sighed and shook her head gently, obviously disappointed with Yang Suyun.