As soon as Maureen heard this, he ignored Joe Tianchang. He turned around and went inside. Now he doesn't go in, and then he has no chance.

Qiao Tianchang's eyelids slightly jumped, and the man was still so shameless.

"Save yourself some face." Qiao Tianchang's dissatisfied stare.

"Your daughter-in-law let me in." Maureen looked at Joe with a thumping face.

"My daughter-in-law let you in, and I can just throw you out." Qiao Tianchang said with an indifferent face.

Ning Mengyao looks at the way they get along and suddenly hopes that Qiao Tianchang can forgive Mo Lin.

She could see that even though there was a gap in the middle, Joe Tianchang was not too strange to this man.

So they went inside noisily. The more they went inside, the bigger Maureen's eyes glared: "no wonder you can't live in the general's house. If you want to run to this place, it's me, and you don't want to live in the general's house. How nice it is here."

Looking around at the layout and the house, Maureen thought he was going to drool.

Disgusted look at Maureen: "your family is very poor?"

"My family is not bad, but compared with you, it's too bad." It doesn't say how nice it is here, but it gives people a very warm feeling, which Mo's family doesn't have.

Joe Tianchang shrugs. This is where they will live for the aged. Of course.

"Tianchang, I really regret it. If I had known that earlier, would we not be like this now?" Although they seemed to be the same as before, he knew that Joe Tianchang had a knot in his heart all the time, and the seemingly intimate voice also had obvious alienation.

"I think so." If he had known it in the first place, he might not have had such a life now.

Maureen opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, but when he saw Qiao Tianchang's appearance that he didn't want to say more, he swallowed his words.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and Mo Lin: "Tianchang, I'll make you something to eat. You talk first."


After Ning Mengyao left, Qiao Tianchang was silent all the time. At this time, Mo Lin understood that what Qiao Tianchang had done just now was just not to worry about Ning Mengyao.

"Tianchang, you are the general of Xiaoguo. I hope you will be careful. There will be no peace here. This time, there are twenty people from the west coast, plus I belong to different forces. Now I only know a few families. This is just the beginning." Maureen didn't want to keep silent like this. He took the initiative to talk about the reason why he came from the west coast.

"Because of the so-called treasure?"

Maureen laughed sarcastically: "you know what kind of people there are. When you hear the news that there are things left by the ancestors of the Xiao family in this place, they are all crazy. Although hundreds of years have passed, the development history of the Xiao family, as well as the ancestors, are still Legends on the west coast."

How could they not want something left behind by such characters?

Qiao Tianchang was a little surprised: "are you going to come and grab it?"

"No, I don't mean that. It's impossible to get those things so easily without saying whether they have them or not. Moreover, according to the intelligence quotient of that ancestor, it's not even unexpected." He is not stupid. He only needs to think about it a little bit. In fact, these words are all passed down by the Xiao family. The purpose is to let more people go through this muddy water, so that they can fish in the muddy water.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "I know, so you're not going to get involved?"

"Yes, I was going to persuade my family not to take part in it. I just thought you were here, so I planned to come and see if I could find you." At last, Maureen said it carefully, for fear that Qiao Tianchang would be angry.

Joe Tianchang lowered his eyes: "didn't you think I was dead?"

"It's impossible."