Although Qiao Tianchang was only a half-year-old child at that time, he believed that since he could reach the West Coast safely from here, there must be a way to return here safely from there.

"You really believe me." Qiao Tianchang can't say whether he is sarcastic or satirical.

"I Tianchang I really hope you can forgive me. " At the beginning, after they sent Qiao Tianchang away with money, he lost his temper. Especially the people around him, who knew about it but kept it from him, were basically killed by him. Later, the people around him were all cultivated step by step, which can be said to be his heart.

Qiao Tianchang didn't speak or speak. He just looked at Mo Lin so indifferently, which made Mo Lin feel nervous. Did he agree or disagree?

"Tianchang, you are..."

Standing on the edge of Maureen again, I could not help laughing at my master's angry look.

It's only in front of Joe Tianchang that the young master can have such a scene.

He is the only one who knows the original thing about Molin. After that, Molin still seems to be very easy to get along with, but he has not been the original one for a long time and can be bullied by anyone else.

Joe Tianchang sighed, "in fact, you don't need to do this at all." His identity, how many people want to make up for him, seems not worth it.

"Tianchang, you don't understand." Born in such a family, how difficult it is to get a sincere friend, rather than to ingratiate himself with his interests.

At least not after Qiao Tianchang.

Even if there is, after knowing his identity, the friendship will go bad.

Perhaps it is for this reason that he will be so persistent about Qiao Tianchang that he would not hesitate to come here just to ask for his forgiveness.

"Tianchang obeys his heart. I hope you are happy." Ning Mengyao comes in with a tray and hears the conversation. She looks at Qiao Tianchang seriously and says.

"I know."

"I took the little monkey to Lele."


After Ning Mengyao left, Qiao Tianchang asked people to prepare some wine for them: "don't say anything, drink."


He stood on the edge and watched them drink. His eyelids kept jumping and looking at Maureen like that. He seemed to say, young master, do you have such a good drink? If not, don't drink with him.

Maureen didn't pay attention to the tangled look on that face: "Tianchang, let's continue to drink." By the time he said this, Maureen was already a little drunk.

Joe Tianchang looked at Maureen with a funny look: "just how much you drink? It's not enough to plug your teeth. I'll drink it. I'll take your young master back to wake up. " Then he called the green bamboo to take them there.

After arriving at the room, Maureen, who was drunk and hazy, suddenly had the spirit: "I knew that Tianchang would not really do anything to me." Maureen's proud face made Chong feel a little ashamed.

"Young master, they know you are pretending to be drunk."

"It would be strange if he didn't see it." He may not drink as well as Joe Tianchang, but he can't find out where, so he did it just to find a breakthrough between them, and now he does it?

Since Qiao Tianchang can let him stay here, it means that he is willing to forgive him regardless of the past, and the two are about to make up.

Looking at Maureen again, "where did you get this idea, young master?"

"I know him."

When Ning Mengyao came back, she saw only one wine jar. Qiao Tianchang was the only one left in the room. The other one didn't know where to go.

"What about others?"

"Pretend to be drunk and go to rest." Qiao Tianchang is funny, just like when he was a child. In order to achieve his own goal, he can use any means.

"Tut, in order to stay, there's nothing to do with it." Ning Mengyao said jokingly.


Sitting by Qiao Tianchang's side, Ning Mengyao reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "it's also very good."

"Yes, it is."

Before Maureen came, he was just a passer-by. He could hear Maureen say that. He found that the friendship did not fade with time.