Ning Mengyao smiled and didn't continue to talk, just watching Qiao Tianchang, sitting beside him, watching him drink with the wine jar.

"Do you want to go to the west coast to have a look after Yaoyao's work here?" Qiao Tianchang asked suddenly.

Ning Mengyao was stunned, then shook his head: "no, from the description of you and Maureen, in fact, I don't like that place very much, and I think this place has a lot of beautiful scenery, we don't need to go to that place for fun."

"You are right. After these things are solved, we will take Shanger and Fenger around together."


Since Maureen was allowed to live here by Joe Tianchang, the whole person just stayed here. Even Joe Tianchang had no intention of leaving.

How interesting it is here. There are delicious, funny, and children. Only fools can leave.

Maureen has a leisurely life every day. If you want to eat, you can go to the kitchen and let people do it. If you want to play anywhere, no one will hold him. But they are not so relaxed.

Ning Mengyao looked at the person in front of her: "is that right? Yang Suyun has already started? "

"Yes, she spent a thousand Liang, looking for ten people in all." One hundred Liang for one person, which is not a small amount for ordinary people.

Although ningmengyao can make a lot of money here every day, but for them, they suddenly get 120 Liang. They can only get some news from the workshop. In this way, the good things of pie in the sky are all fools.

Ning Mengyao is playing with the cup in her hand, with a light expression, but Qiao Tianchang beside her can feel that she is really angry.

"Yao Yao......"

"Tianchang, I'm ok. I just think it's incredible." One hundred and twenty? It's just a few months' worth of money that can make them betray her. It's a bad taste. She doesn't like it very much.

Moreover, if Yang Suyun wants to find more people, will there be more people like them who plan to sell her for 120?

"Tianchang, do you think I'm too kind to those people?" Well, let them think she's not a bit grumpy.

"It's their choice. Now that they have made a decision, they have to pay for it," he said

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded, yes, dare to do, we should bear the consequences we should bear.

"Look at those people. I'll see what they can do."


Yang Suyun snorted coldly. Is there anything else you can't do with money? Although it made boss Lin a little unhappy that she had fallen out with her family completely, it was finally changed because of her words.

They don't necessarily need that family. They can also find others. After all, there are not a few managers in this workshop.

Although it took a lot of effort, was it not the same that she found someone in the end?

Yang Suyun sits on the chair and drinks the tonic just delivered. Now all she has to do is wait for the news.

Even though Maureen was slow, he came back from the outside and found that the atmosphere was different from when he went out.

Puzzled, he looked at the couple in front of him as if they were very angry: "what's the matter with you two? Does anyone owe you money? "

Joe gave Maureen a white look. "We don't lack that money."

"Since there is no shortage, why do you look like this? It's like other people owe you money."

Ning Mengyao suddenly looked up at Mo Lin: "it's right not to owe money, but to owe life."

The gloomy tone made Molin shiver subconsciously: "I said you don't scare me, I'm timid."

"Who scared you?" Ning Mengyao takes a look at the living treasure. It's not like this when he first met. How can he become so two now.

"What happened? Talk to me. Maybe I can help you. " Said Maureen with great interest.

Qiao Tianchang rejected and pushed Maureen away: "don't get so close."