The head of the Song family's face slightly changed. Even song Yan's face turned pale at this moment. Instead, Ning Mengyao was a little impatient: "if you want to fight, hurry up. We don't have so much time to dally with you here."

"Ning Mengyao, you want to die." Song Yan was treated like this for the first time.

Qiao Tianchang saw song Yan's face toward Ning Mengyao, but his eyes didn't even flash, so he stood on the edge and looked at it indifferently.

Mo Lin looks at Ning Mengyao with some worry: "Mengyao, she will be ok?"

In mollin's mind, Ning Mengyao is a kind of lady with gentle appearance. Now it's too hard for her to fight.

However, Qiao Tianchang looked at Maulin with a smile: "no matter you don't use internal power, you will be beaten directly by Yaoyao and lie down."

Maureen's eyes were round, and he could not believe Joe Tianchang's words: "you are kidding me."


Before Qiao Tianchang spoke, Maureen was stunned by song Yan.

Although song Yan said that her martial arts were not as good as men's, she was much better than ordinary women. Now she was photographed directly by ningmengyao. This Isn't that amazing?

It seems that the stimulation is not enough. Qiao Tianchang looks at Song Yan who falls on the ground and says, "Yao Yao's skill can even with me."

Maureen took a look at Qiao Tianchang, and finally turned silently. He didn't want to talk to this man. Ya was just showing off.

Joe Tianchang is really showing off. Who let that man be his daughter-in-law? He has the capital to show off.

Song Yan covered her chest and looked at Ning Mengyao, who didn't even have her hair in disorder: "it's impossible." How could a pariah have such a profound Kung Fu.

The head of the Song family blinked a little, looked at Ning Mengyao's skin and said with a smile: "since this lady's Kung Fu is so powerful, my head is interested in fighting with you."

Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at the master of the Song family in surprise: "you, a senior in your 40s and 50s, compete with a young girl who is less than 20 years old? Is that the rule on the west coast? "

"Don't talk nonsense, Mengyao. There are no such rules on the west coast." If such a thing is really done on the west coast, it would be good if it is not found out. If it is found out, it is not a matter of compensation, but of being despised.

The Song family leader smiled, and didn't look bad because of Mo Lin's words. Instead, he said with a smile, "there is no age difference between experts."

Said also does not give them the opportunity which two people refute, directly faces Ning Mengyao to start.

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly and looked coldly at the master of the Song family: "since the old man doesn't want to face, then I don't need to give you face."

The head of the Song family was just trying to teach Ning Mengyao a lesson and take revenge on his daughter. Who knows that Ning Mengyao even said such treacherous words, and his face was ugly. He sneered: "since you are so sure, I don't have to let you."

Ning Mengyao's hands encircled her chest and looked at the Song family leader with a smile: "let? For your old age, how about three moves? "

"That's good," Maureen said, chuckling

"Shut up, Maureen." His father was so scolded, song Yan screamed.

Ningmengyao is not tied up because of their words. Instead, she dodges the attack of the Song family leader leisurely. It seems that she is able to do it without any worries.

Maureen turned to look at Qiao Tianchang and said seriously, "I suddenly believe what you said."

"Shut up."

Maureen touched his nose, stood quietly aside and watched the struggle between the two men not far away.

Ningmengyao said let, really let the song master three moves, after three moves, this just started.

You come and I go. At the beginning, the Song family leader was very confident. He was sure to take the Yellow mouthed child down. But gradually he found out that he was not the match of the girl at all.