Such an idea made the face of the Song family leader gloomy. Seeing Ning Mengyao's eyes filled with haze, it was like a poisoned look that worried Mo Lin: "Tianchang, you should let Mengyao be more careful. He is not a aboveboard gentleman."

The leader of the Song family is famous in the upper circles on the west coast. He is insidious and cunning. Apart from this, what makes people most is his thick skin.

Joe Tianchang sneered, "as long as he dares."

When he was in the village, he was a bit bored. He also hoped to do something to keep all the people of the Song family, which was not impossible.

Ning Mengyao looked at the Song family leader and said, "are you good at this? If so, then I'm not interested in playing with you. "

Said directly to the Song family leader, the action is only rapid, so that the Song family leader almost can't dodge, the heart is even more shocked.

Is this really a girl under twenty?

There is a trace of killing in the eyes of the Song family leader. Since such people can't be used by them, they should die.

When Ning Mengyao turns around, the master of the Song family suddenly takes out a bottle and smashes it violently. He transports the internal force to push the powder in the bottle towards Ning Mengyao.

"Mengyao be careful." In Song's main action, Maureen screamed, but it was still late.

Ningmengyao's body began to crumble, as if poisoned.

The Song family leader saw that ningmengyao's body seemed to fall at any time, and couldn't help laughing. This was the end of his fight.

When the master of the Song family is satisfied, Ning Mengyao slowly turns around and looks at the master of the Song family, who is smiling all the time, with a frivolous brow: "is the smile enough?"

The arrogant laughter of the Song family leader at this moment is like being pressed the pause key, which is blocked in the throat, unable to come out or go down.

"You Why? "

"How come nothing happened? Don't you look into other people's affairs when you come for trouble? " As long as we investigate, we will know that she is surrounded by a miracle doctor. For her, this kind of poison will not matter at all.

Maureen patted himself on the chest and let go. Then he thought that Joe Tianchang had not worried about it from the beginning, and immediately stared round his eyes: "you already know that?"

"Well, these poisons, pediatrics." Although Qiao Tianchang's tone was very calm, Maureen could still hear that Qiao Tianchang was very disgusted with the poison of the Song family leader.

Isn't it just disrespect? It's such a bad poison that it's not suitable to lift shoes for Qingshuang.

"Tianchang, what is not a pediatrician?"

"I can show you." The poison developed by Qingshuang and Nanyu couple is not only insoluble, but also unheard of.

Maureen looked at Qiao Tianchang dryly: "forget it, I'm not curious."

"The leader of the Song family, as an elder, poisons the younger generation. This means, tut Tut, can't the Song family get to this point on the west coast, is it all through this kind of non mainstream means?"

It has to be said that the truth of Ning Mengyao, after hearing her words, Mo Lin couldn't help laughing: "Mengyao, you are so powerful that you can even guess it."

Ning Mengyao blinked and said innocently, "I'm just guessing at will."

"I know. It's on the west coast."

Ning Mengyao said, "since this is the case, what are these people proud of?"

"Yao Yao doesn't have to go on pestering these people."

The head of the Song family is satirized by these three people's words. His face is livid and ugly: "do it, I want them to die."

Qiao Tianchang sneered, even those people in the workshop didn't have to shout, but called Qingxuan and others out.

"Miss, is this a fight?"

"Well, fighting, this elder seems to be a poison expert. Qingshuang, please play with him." Ningmengyao said leisurely, as if to say that the weather is very good today.


Although there are more people in the Song family than in the Ning Mengyao family, they really started, but several of them are only flower shelves. At first sight, they know that they belong to the kind of flowers growing up in the greenhouse, and the rest are pretty good.