Chen Qi's eyelids leaped, endured the strange things in his heart, and began seriously: "what do you mean? Why can't I understand? "

"Can't understand? Chen Qi, do you want me to tell you all the evidence before you admit it? " Ningmengyao thought that Chen Qi could give him a chance as long as he confessed. Unexpectedly, this man is a typical example of not seeing the coffin and not shedding tears.

"I can't understand what my boss is talking about and what Chen Qi has done. Let my boss say such things to Chen Qi." Even though he knows something in his heart, Chen Qi keeps telling himself that it must not be admitted. If he admits it, it's over.

Ning Mengyao sneered and looked at Chen Qi with a smile: "since you don't see the coffin and don't shed tears, Chen Qi, don't blame me for being cruel."

Chen Qi's face immediately changed: "what do you mean, boss?"

"What do you mean? In the past one or two years, I have been greedy for thousands of liang of silver in the workshop. Why is this not enough? You're going to have to come along with outsiders to calculate me? " Said Ning Mengyao angrily.

Chen Qi stared round his eyes and couldn't believe looking at Ning Mengyao: "this I... You... "

Ning Mengyao looked at Chen Qi, who was already hesitating, and sneered, "what's the matter? Is it strange how I know these things? If you are only greedy for more than a thousand liang of silver, as long as you return it, I can ignore it. "

But what she couldn't bear most was that the man even joined hands with others to deal with her. It was a white eyed wolf.

Chen Qi stepped back a few steps, but still didn't respond. After the workshop was opened, Ning Mengyao seldom managed here. Many things were handed over to the big and small managers in it, and the account books were handled by Jiang Quan. As long as they didn't do so obviously, no one would care, but now they were dug out.

"My boss I... "

"Chen Qi, you really let me down. Why did I choose you from so many accounts? Do you know why?" Ning Mengyao ignored Chen Qi's flustered appearance and asked coldly.

"Why?" Chen Qi asked subconsciously.

He has thought about this problem, but he hasn't thought about it.

"That's because you are honest and loyal, and you have a sense of justice. At the same time, you are careful. That's why I chose you from so many accounting rooms." Ning Mengyao looks at Chen Qi disappointed.

At that time, she also thought that as long as Chen Qi did a good job, it would make him go further. Who ever thought about it? Only in a short time, people turned into this.

Chen Qi looks at Ning Mengyao in a daze. He doesn't think of the question that he wanted to break his head and didn't get the answer. It's such a result.

All of a sudden, Chen Qi regretted that he should not have been instigated by others at that time. If he had not done this for his own reasons, he would not have been threatened.

"I'm sorry to disappoint your trust." Chen Qi lowered his head with a wry smile, and what he said indirectly admitted that he did these things.

Ning Mengyao shook his head: "what's the good for you from Yang Suyun?"

"She knew from others that I was greedy for the workshop's money and found evidence. She used this to threaten me. She said that if I didn't help her, I would give all these things to my employer." Because of this, he compromised, but now he vaguely felt that he had done wrong.

If he had told Ning Mengyao about it, would it not have been like this?

Ning Mengyao looks at Chen Qi with a blue face: "because of this, so you compromise? Work with others to calculate me? Calculate the whole workshop? "

"My host......"

"For such a long time in the workshop, you should know how much loss these things will bring us." Ningmengyao is really angry, the tone of voice is also a lot of heavy, look at Chen Qi's eyes are also full of anger.

Chen Qi is a little chilly from the eyes of Ning Mengyao. Of course, he knows what will happen if those things are really lost, but Isn't nothing happening now?