As soon as she saw Chen Qi's appearance, Ning Mengyao understood. What he thought was that nothing happened now. As for the nose, the face is not the face?

Ning Mengyao looked at Chen Qi and said coldly, "Chen Qi, are you thinking that nothing has happened now? I'm making a fuss by doing this?"

Chen Qi's face was stiff, and he was a little uneasy. How does this person know what he thinks now?

"Although it's a bit hard for my boss to say that, the fact is that I didn't do anything at all and didn't do great harm to the interests of the workshop." The natural tone of voice, let ningmengyao heart that last little mind also rest down.

With a cold smile, Ning Mengyao looked at Chen Qi and said sarcastically, "no harm? Chen Qi, do you know that I can send you to an official just for your actions? "

Since some people are so shameless, she doesn't have to give them any face.

"You're going to send me to the government?" He always thought that what he did was just immoral at best. He never wanted to be sent to the office.

If he was really sent to the government, his life would be over.

"What? No? "

"My boss, I know it's my fault, but I've worked very hard for the workshop in the past two years. I've also worked hard without any credit. You can't be so impersonal." In a hurry, Chen Qi even said such words.

Ningmengyao was stunned, and then she reacted with a smile. "I despise you, isn't that what you really think? be conscientious and do one's best? Your diligence is to get money out of the workshop? What is your dedication to doing in the workshop? "

What Chen Qi did is not just greedy for money. He also sold the things in the workshop at a low price. Because the quantity is not so many, and they are all optional things, she didn't care. But now people say such things, what face does she leave for others?

"I don't know what the host is talking about."

Ning Mengyao sneered and said, "I don't know what I'm talking about? How about the things in the workshop? Did you sell a lot of money? "

As soon as Chen Qi's face changed, did she even know that? But he was very careful.

"It's a thief if you don't ask yourself. It seems that there's nothing wrong with a thief when I send him to the official. Is Chen Qi right?"

If Chen Qi just had a little dependence, he would be really stupid now. He was sweating hard on his forehead. At first, he just took some rewards from the workshop and went back, but those things were sold by the family, and he got a lot of money, so he began to ask him to take more. At the beginning, he didn't agree with it. Then what happened? He agreed, so much so that he can't stand it now.

"Chen Qi blames you for your greediness. Qinghuai, take people out."

Qinghuai outside heard ningmengyao's voice and hurriedly walked in. At this moment, Chen Qicai really knew that he was afraid, and that ningmengyao was really angry this time. He wanted to send him to the official.

"It's just one side of your story. You have no evidence." Said Chen Qi in a hurry.

Yes, no one knows what he does. Even if she knows, there is no evidence. Why send him to see the official?

Ning Mengyao takes a look at Chen Qi, takes a piece of paper and reads it at will.

When did Chen Qi take the workshop and how many things, and when did he sell them to someone? It's not bad.

"How can I continue to read it?" Under Chen Qi's deathly expression, Ning Mengyao asked indifferently.

For this kind of person, we can't condone it at all. The provincial people think who owes him.

"Chen Qi, you would have had a bright future. You are the one who made it."

Chen Qi looks at Ning Mengyao, opens his mouth, but finally closes his mouth. His eyes are full of self mockery and bitterness.

Ning Mengyao is right. He should have a bright future. He made it like this himself. No wonder others.