Qinghuai looks at Chen Qi, who looks like he can't be loved. "Miss, now is not the time to deal with Chen Qi."

"I know what you're saying. Lock people up and make your people look like him." Ningmengyao knew the meaning of Qinghuai after a little thought. Now it's still an important moment. She can't let Yang Suyun know that Chen Qi has been dealt with by them.

As long as Chen Qi's event is a cup of tea, she knows that as long as Yang Suyun is not a stupid person, she can surely guess that the rest of them have been exposed, so that she will not do anything to scare the snake.

"Yes, let me do it." Qinghuai is curious about this now.


Chen Qi listened to the conversation between the two: "can my family be spared? They are innocent. "

Ning Mengyao glanced at Chen Qi and said, "you know what made you come to this point today. I don't say much. Since you want to work alone, I will complete you. Qinghuai will bring people down."

Seeing that Ning Mengyao began to deal with his own affairs and didn't intend to continue to pay attention to him, Chen Qi felt lost and regretted, but more complicated.

Different from what Ning Mengyao said, there is a large part of the reason why he can have today is because of the group of people in his family.

They couldn't work in the workshop because of their character, so they thought of all kinds of ways to get benefits from the workshop, and finally put their ideas on him. At the beginning, he could refuse.

When will it start? He can't refuse their request any more. It seems that he started from his mother's death.

Since then, as long as he has the idea that he doesn't want to continue to do so, his mother will come to the idea of death force.

Once he thought this was filial piety, but now he suddenly found that it was not at all that he was just helping the tyranny and feeding their appetite more and more.

Although there is a reason for being threatened this time, it is also the greed of the family for the one hundred Liang silver and the one hundred Liang after the event.

Did he give less these two years? Why don't they know contentment?

The price of Fanran's awakening is too high for him to bear.

Ningmengyao is tired of leaning on the chair, stretching out her hand and rubbing her eyebrows and heart to deal with such things, which is really disliked by people.

Qiao Tianchang waited at home for a long time without waiting for anyone. When he came in, he saw the picture of ningmengyao.

Go to Ning Mengyao's side and sit down on the armrest of the chair: "what's the matter? Come and tell me, what happened? "

Ning Mengyao leans on Qiao Tianchang's arms and says something about Chen Qi. At last, he looks at Qiao Tianchang and says, "am I doing too much?"

"Not too much. He asked for it." Qiao Tianchang also found that since she had Shanger, Ning Mengyao seemed to be very soft hearted. She would stay in the front line when she met many things. Although it would be the same before she had no children, it would not be so obvious.

Ning Mengyao wants to talk, but Qiao Tianchang interrupts: "Yao Yao, think about it. If we don't know about it, what will happen in the end? What will be the price? "

"I know that." Of course, Ning Mengyao can understand Qiao Tianchang's meaning, but this workshop is only a gift for her son. She doesn't want to go deep into some things.

He put his hand in his arms, and Qiao Tianchang looked down at Ning Mengyao's frown. "We built this workshop to give it to Shanger as a gift. Since it's Shanger's stuff, it will be inherited by Shanger in the future. Do you want the workshop to be destroyed by those people before Shanger grows up?"

Joe Tianchang said something serious, but it is also true.

"Of course not." Ningmengyao's subconscious opening.

It's a gift from a little monkey. How can I get someone to calculate it?

"In that case, what else do you have to worry about?"

Ningmengyao is stunned. Yes, what else is she struggling with? If it's just something she came up with on her own, she can not care, but it's not ah, it's her little monkey's.