Ning Mengyao looks up and smiles at Qiao Tianchang. The smile on her face is so bright: "I know, this is that I am too persistent."

"You, don't you find that there are many changes after war?" Qiao Tianchang reached out and pinched Ning Mengyao's face. His eyes were full of helpless color.

Ning Mengyao was stunned. Obviously, he didn't have such an idea. He just looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "do you have one?"

"Yes, Yao Yao. If you lock up Chen Qi, will his family come and make trouble?" After all, Chen Qi has to go back every day, and he has his wife and children at home.

Ningmengyao frowned and thought about it, then said, "let Qinghuai go and tell them there are many things in the workshop. We can't go back for the time being."

"That's fine."

The two said as they walked out.

Chen Qi, who is locked up, looks at everything around him. He has some fears in his heart. Can't he get out of this place?

"You let me out. You can't abuse lynching." Chen Qi kept clapping at the door and shouting loudly.

The watchman outside, hearing his words, impatiently knocked on the door: "what's the noise? Abuse of lynching? Did we do it to you? "

It's just to lock people up. Is this the abuse of lynching?

Chen Qili sits on the ground. Yes, he is not beaten or treated harshly. He is just locked up. How can it be regarded as an abuse of lynching?

Reaching out to cover his face, Chen Qi forced himself to calm down and think about the whole thing, but after a long time, he couldn't find a way for him to get out of here.

And now he can't communicate with the outside, even if he has a way, he can't wear it out, and he doesn't know if his mother will worry about it.

Qinghuai went to Chenqi's house according to ningmengyao's order.

After visiting Chen Qi's home, Qinghuai suddenly understood why Chen Qi had become this way.

There is such an old lady who is out of tune, another wife who is open to money, and some people who are narrow-minded and only know how to calculate other people's relatives.

Even if Chen Qi is a good person, he will be dragged down by these people in the end.

This time, when Qinghuai went to Chen Qi's house, they gave him some money.

It doesn't count to get the money. Some people even asked him why he didn't bring back the things in the workshop this time? And Chen Qi's mother, even scolded him as a waste, can only wait for such a little thing, so that they can only drink from the west to the north.

Such treatment, so that Qinghuai no interest to continue to stay, only said that for some time will not return to turn away.

Chen Qi's wife has been chasing after her, but she didn't catch up. Later, Qinghuai only heard his wife swearing at her back. She said that she had taken back so little money, but her mother-in-law had left. She didn't leave any money for their mother and son. She said the same thing to Chen Qi's mother, and she thought Chen Qi was useless.

For the latter words, Chen Qi didn't listen to them any more, just left Chenjia village quickly and returned to Baishan village. Qinghuai found ningmengyao and told ningmengyao about Chen Qi's family.

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly, and her lips raised a faint smile: "so? Tell Chen Qi these things and see what he thinks. "

I have been filial to my family, but I have said such words. I don't know what Chen Qi's expression will be when he hears them.

In other words, there would be no expression. He was numb.

"What do you want to do, miss?"

"I just want Chen Qi to see clearly what the family he is caring for looks like." Ning Mengyao sneers.

In addition to Chen Qi's greedy for her money, Chen Qi is actually a very responsible and talented person. It's a pity that Chen Qi lost it.

If Chen Qi can break off the relationship with his large family and want him to stay by his side, it is not impossible.

"I see, miss. I'll do it right away." Qinghuai turns and leaves.

When he came to the place where Chen Qi was imprisoned, Qinghuai looked at the people beside him and said, "how is he?"

"It was noisy at the beginning, but now it's gone."

Maybe Chen Qi gave up, so he didn't make any more noise.