Qinghuai nodded and waved to several people to let them back down.

After they left, Qinghuai opened the door of the house. When they walked in, they saw Chen Qi lying on the bed. They didn't know what they were thinking.

"Chen Qi."

Hearing the voice of Qinghuai, Chen Qi's body stiffened and he sat up from the bed and looked at Qinghuai in front of him: "what are you doing?"

"What are you doing here? I just came back from your house. " Qinghuai sat on the chair opposite to Chen Qi and said softly.

Chen Qi watched Qinghuai warily: "what are you doing at my house?"

"What? It's natural to tell those people that they won't go home for a while. "

"You You... "

Qinghuai hands around his chest, looking at Chen Qi's eager look, the corners of his mouth raised a touch of irony.

"Chen Qi, do you know that for your family? No, let me put it another way. Are you kind to them and do they appreciate it? " Qinghuai looked into Chen Qi's eyes and asked coldly.

Chen Qi's face changed: "that's my family. It's natural to appreciate."

Qinghuai laughs: "do you trust your family so much? Do you know what happened when I went to your house today? "

Chen Qi doesn't want to listen to Qinghuai subconsciously, but Qinghuai doesn't give him the chance. He grabs his hand and says coldly, "are you still running away? I don't think it's worth it

"I I don't know what you're talking about? " Chen Qi kept breaking away from the hand holding his arm.

But Qinghuai's hand is like a pair of pliers, which can't be earned no matter how.

"I don't know. I went to your house today and gave your mother fifty Liang silver. Do you know what she said?"

"I don't want to hear it."

"Are you still deluding yourself? Their appetite has been fed by you. Fifty-two. The average family can use it for several or even ten years, but what about them? Not only did they not appreciate it, but they also talked to each other maliciously. They all thought you were a waste. They didn't give back more money. Look at Chen Qi. What are your family members? Are they bloodsuckers? "

Blood sucking insects sting on people, but they can't be thrown away.

"Enough, what do you want? What's the point of saying that to me? " Chen Qi released his hand covering his ears and glared at Qinghuai. Why should he tell him all these things.

Qinghuai stood in front of Chen Qi and slightly raised his mouth: "it seems that you have already known that the family just took you as a tool to make money, but you chose to escape and choose not to believe it. Even your wife, who sleeps in the same bed, doesn't care about you, but the money you can take back. Chen Qi, I should say that you are successful or not a man What about constant failure? "

Chen Qi knows all these things. At the beginning, when he came home with money, his family would happily cook delicious food for him and say some encouraging words.

But since when? They have completely changed. No matter how much money they take back, they are not satisfied with them. As Qinghuai said, they are bloodsuckers that can't be thrown away, and they are raised by him with his own blood and sweat.

Chen Qi's lost heart did not attract any sympathy from Qinghuai. Instead, he felt that he had asked for it.

There must be something hateful about the poor man. If Chen Qi finds out as soon as possible and doesn't run away, the result won't be like this now. Even if all the relationships are broken, he can live a good life by himself, instead of supporting such a large family by himself.

He worked hard in the workshop, but those people spent his money at home.

"Chen Qi, think about it for yourself. If you still want to have a car relationship with your family members by this time, then I'm sorry. You can stay like this." Qinghuai said and turned away.

Today, he has said enough. He doesn't want to say anything more, especially to such a stupid person as Chen Qi.

Chen Qi is sitting on the bed, his eyes are full of dullness. If it wasn't for the slight fluctuation of his chest, he would be regarded as a dead man.