"Niang" Qiao Mo Shang tightly hugged Ning Mengyao's neck, held it for a long time, holding out a word: "bad."

"I'm bad? Then I won't take you to see my brother, and I won't let him play with you in the future. "


Ningmengyao's face is black: "it's not Didi, it's her brother."

"Mother, Didi."

Ning Mengyao looks at her son frustrated and says, "my brother is sleeping. When he grows up, he can play with our little monkey."


The black old man looked at a cute little monkey in Ning Mengyao's arms, which was called envy and jealousy in his heart.

As soon as this person envies and envies, they have to make troubles. So Qingshuang and his wife become the targets of black old man's destruction. Every day, they pester them to ask for their grandchildren. Now Qingshuang and his wife see him and hide.

"Miss, Chen Qi said that he would like to see you." Qinghuai goes to ningmengyao's side and whispers.

Ningmengyao nodded: "I know. I'll be right away."


Ning Mengyao put her son in Qiao mofeng's arms: "Maple, you look at your brother and lead him to walk slowly. Don't let him drag those flowers." These flowers can be planted by Qiao Tianchang, and now he is bald. She is so distressed.

After nangongyan's incident, Qiao Tianchang went to the capital city. Now he hasn't come back. What's the reason? He didn't say. She didn't ask.

"Mother, I know."

"Little monkey should listen to his brother. If I know you bully him, I will not give you delicious snacks."

"Niang Bad... " Qiao Mo Shang turns his head to Qiao Mo Feng's bosom, pouting his little butt and staring at Ning Mengyao discontentedly.

He pinched Qiao Mo's sad face, and Ning Mengyao got up and left.

"My brother gives you food. Shanger can't play around, you know?"

Joe mofeng now has a very full life. He also likes this place very much. Every day, he studies and practices martial arts with the children in the village. After he comes back, he plays with his brother for a while, and then he goes to do his homework. Although he often thinks of his mother who doesn't know where he is now, Joe mofeng knows that his mother must be still alive and will come back one day.

Ning Mengyao looked at Chen Qi with haggard face and asked lightly, "why do you say you want to see me?"

"My boss, I want to know what they look like when I haven't been back for so long." Chen Qi has been thinking about this problem for more than a month. Are all his efforts fake?

Ning Mengyao looks at Chen Qi unexpectedly. From his expression, Ning Mengyao sees the obvious epiphany. It seems that this man is not hopeless.

"You want to know? Would you like to go back and have a look? But this time you don't take anything back, including money. Qinghuai hasn't been to your home for a month. After you go back, you tell your family that you've been driven back by me because you took away the things in the workshop. Even the money hasn't been given. You can see how they will treat you. " Ning Mengyao wants Chen Qi to see his family clearly, so she says.

Chen Qi was silent for a moment, then nodded, "I know."

Although such a method is immoral, it is also the best way to prove it. In Chen Qi's mind, what he thinks about is his mother and his wife. Maybe his boss deceived him.

Ningmengyao stood at the gate of the workshop and watched Chen Qi leave. Qinghuai asked doubtfully, "Miss, will Chen Qi really deal with everything and come back?"

"He will. As far as his family is concerned, he has no chance to make money. He may also let them go to jail. What do you think the family will do?" It's all a group of selfish vampires. It's impossible for vampires to have relationships and manage Chen Qi.

Qinghuai thought of what happened when he went to Chen Qi's house, and his eyes flickered slightly.

Different from what she said, the family could have done it.

Two hours later, Chen Qi stood in front of his house with a pale face.

When seeing him, his mother hurriedly ran out: "son, are you back? Where did you die in this period of time? Why didn't you come back? "