Chen Qi shook his body and said with a pale face, "Mom, let's go first."

Old lady Chen took a look at her son. She felt that he lost a lot of weight when she met him. Not only did he lose weight, but also the whole person changed, as if he had experienced a serious illness.

Take Chen Qi to the house, and old lady Chen looks at Chen Qi: "son, how did you come back so long this time? And what good things did you bring to your mother? How much money did you get back? Is there five hundred liang? "

Without waiting for Chen Qi to speak, Chen's questions came out one by one. Chen Qi listened to her questions and felt cold.

His current state, even an outsider can see it? But his mother-in-law seemed to see nothing, only concerned about how much money he took back and what he brought back.

Chen's family gradually know that Chen Qi has come back, hurriedly go out, eyes shining at Chen Qi.

Chen Qi has seen this line of sight many times, but this time it was dazzling to him.

"What did you bring back? Last time, why did you come back with only fifty-two? What can fifty-two do? We need to know that our family is now an identity person. If you know that you are an accountant, you can take all that money home, but you will be laughed at. "

"What my sister-in-law said is, second brother, did you spend fifty Liang silver last time in Dafa beggar? Only fifty liang of silver, nothing else. "

"That's right. Second, don't you just swallow the silver?"


Chen Qi looked at their faces without saying a word. He had a little expectation in his heart, but now it's all cold.

How on earth did they say that for granted?

Looking at the big brother's family and the third brother's family, Chen Qi suddenly felt that he had done something in the past two years.


All the people who were talking were suddenly hearing Chen Qi's words. They closed their mouths subconsciously and turned to look at Chen Qi.

But it was only for a moment. Chen Qi's sister-in-law glared at him angrily and said, "what do you mean, Chen Qi? Even yelled at his sister-in-law. "

"That's right, second brother. People who don't know think what's wrong with us."

Listening to their strange words, Chen Qi laughed at himself: "that's my money. I give you friendship. It's also right if I don't want to give it to you. How much money have I given you these two years? How can I not be satisfied? In the past two years, I have brought back at least two thousand liang of silver. This is not the things you stole and sold. How come these things are not enough? "

"Enough? What's enough? We don't have enough money at home. " Said Chen's sister-in-law, screaming.

If they were ordinary people, the money would be enough for them to eat and wear. However, Chen's family is the best. After they have money, they still put on big money. Clothes are not the latest styles, hairpins are not good ones.

Chen Qi sneers at the clamorous sister-in-law Chen and says coldly, "if you want to spend money in the future, you should earn it by yourself. Don't come to me again."

"What do you mean, Chen Qi?" The old lady Chen, who had not spoken all of a sudden, opened her mouth, her turbid eyes full of fierce color.

Chen Qi suppressed the self mockery in his heart and looked at old lady Chen calmly: "my boss found out that I had taken the things in the workshop, even where you sold them, who sold them, how much they sold them, who the buyer was, and all of them were clear. Because I was chased back by my boss, and the boss said that if you can't make up the money you sold, Let's all go to jail. "

Calm finish saying, Chen Qi light looking at the family in front of him.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, the first one who went out was Mrs. Chen: "what do you say? She knows? Chen Qi, you're a waste. You can't do this well. What am I keeping you for? Why don't you die outside and come back and drag us down? "