People in other rooms of Chen's family are stupid to hear that this is the case, and they have to be sent to the official. They thought that Chen Qi would benefit from his return this time. Who knows that he didn't get the benefit, but he got a lot of trouble.

Chen's sister-in-law points to Chen Qi with trembling hands and says angrily, "Chen Qi, you are a lost star. It's enough that you want to kill our family. What are you doing back? Get out of here."

"That's right, Chen Qi. You made it yourself. What does it have to do with us? Don't bother us. Go as far as you can. "

Chen Qi's family were obviously persuading him, but Chen Qi saw their dirty thoughts.

However, he didn't go to look at some clamorous people. He just looked at Mrs. Chen: "Mom, do you have the same idea with them?"

"Get out now. You are not welcome here. Henceforth, Chen Qi has nothing to do with us." She has also saved a lot of silver in the past one or two years. Even without Chen Qi, it's enough that she doesn't need to make money. As for others, what does it have to do with her?

Chen Qi's wife, after learning that she is likely to be caught in prison, suddenly changed her face, from a tender and charming wife to a sharp and sour poisonous woman.

"Chen Qi, you are a wimp. How can you come back? Why don't you die outside?"

Facing his wife's curse, Chen Qi's face is full of desolation. He staggers back to the room, takes out his pen and paper, and writes two contracts on it, one is to leave his wife, the other is to cut off with his family.

After Chen Qi finished writing, he went out regardless of the reaction of the Chen family, called the village head and the elders of the village, told them to divorce their wives and break off all relations with the family.

After learning this news, the village head and elders of Chenjia village were very surprised. Chen Qi, a very filial child, suddenly made such a decision.

"Chen Qi, you bastard who kills thousands of swords, I should strangle you when I first gave birth to you. You come here to be angry." Old lady Chen patted her thigh and cried. The way she howled made Chen Qi sneer.

"I'm angry with you? Don't you want to break all relationships with me? These years because you are greedy, so I fell to this point, but you? For money, for self-protection, to push me out? My wife said let me die outside, my mother said that I am a bereaved star, want to let me get out of this house, and what kind of faces are my brothers? You forced me to do this. " Chen Qi looks at old lady Chen like that and suddenly feels strange. Is this really his mother? Is it the gentle mother?

"Chen Qi, are you ready?" The village head of Chenjia village frowned and took a look at old lady Chen. He was also disgusted with her untidy appearance. Besides, other people in the Chenjia village spent Chen Qi's money and scolded him at the same time.

Now it's time to push people away, right? It's really a group of people who don't know how to be satisfied.

"Chen Qi, get out of here, and don't come to my door for lunch later." Said old lady Chen maliciously.

"You can rest assured that if I die, I will not die at your door. No matter what I do from now on, you will have nothing to do with you, and whether you are good or bad, whether you are alive or dead, or with me, Chen Qi." Chen Qi goes to the kitchen and takes out a knife.

Seeing Chen Qi coming out with a knife, everyone felt cold in their hearts and looked at him warily: "what do you want to do?"

Chen Qi ignored the people who were afraid, but took a knife and cut his hand. His blood instantly dyed the whole palm red.

Chen Qi put the four contracts on the table without expression, and printed them with bloody hands.

One of them was put on the table and didn't come back. The other two were put away by Chen Qi: "from now on, we have nothing to do with each other." Finish saying heavy several elder generation bend a salute, then straighten back to turn to leave.

Village head Chen looked at the old lady Chen's frightened look, and then looked at the cut-off book and the divorce note printed with blood on the table. He couldn't help shaking his head: "sooner or later you will regret it."