After the village head Chen and several elders left, the Chen family did not dare to read the cut-off book on the table which was stained with blood fingerprints.

Chen Qi walked back to Baishan village step by step. Ning Mengyao saw his face was pale and covered with many bloodstains. He could not help frowning: "what's the matter with you?"

Chen Qi opened his mouth, but before he could speak, he fell to the ground.

"Qinghuai asked Qingshuang to show him."

When Qinghuai used to call people, Qingshuang was caught by the black old man.

As soon as he heard Qinghuai's words, Qingshuang said, "I'll get the medicine chest. Shifu, I'll go first." He ran out of sight.

"Ah, ah, you girl, you come back to me."

After Qingshuang came out of Zhuangzi, he was relieved: "Qinghuai thanks."

"In fact, I'm curious. You have such a good relationship with Nanyu. Why don't you have a child?" That's what everyone wants to know.

Qingshuang smiled and didn't speak. My child, it's lovely.

Qingshuang examined Chen Qi's body and bandaged his injured wound: "it's caused by a little malnutrition, and the blood loss is too much, so he will faint and make up for it."

"I see."

Chen Qi woke up after lying on the bed for nearly an hour. When he woke up, he saw Qinghuai sitting beside him, his eyes empty, as if he was in a daze.

"You're awake."

Chen Qi was startled by the sudden voice: "well, what about the host? I have something to look for her

Qinghuai takes a look at Chen Qi and goes out to call people.

Before long, Ning Mengyao came in with Qinghuai: "what do you want to do with me?"

"Well, I've broken off with that place. I hope you can give me a chance to make a change. I'm willing to sell myself to you." On his way back, he thought about the so-called family members and the disgusting faces.

"Are you clear?" Ning Mengyao is not surprised that Chen Qi and the Chen family have broken all ties, but he unexpectedly wants to sell himself to her.

"I think clearly. What you and Qinghuai are right about is that I haven't thought clearly all the time. I'm the one who made me what I am today." If it was not for his filial piety, he would not have come to this point.

Ning Mengyao looks at Chen Qi with a raised eyebrow. "I'll sign you a five-year contract to sell yourself. When you want to redeem yourself, I won't stop you. A month ago, it was one-third of what you had before. How about that?"

Chen Qi thought and nodded and agreed: "OK."

His previous salary is about fifty-two a month. One third of his salary can be more than ten Liang. He won't use any money in the future. It's enough.

Ningmengyao takes a look at Qinghuai, and Qinghuai nods his head clearly. He goes to the table and takes out the paper and hands it to Chen Qi.

Chen Qi quickly wrote the deed of betrayal and pressed his own fingerprint. However, he didn't have any grievances in his heart. Instead, he was unexpectedly calm. Maybe this is the best way.

Ning Mengyao asks Chen Qi to take care of his health first, and then to do things.

Qinghuai looked at ningmengyao and said, "Miss Chen Qi is afraid to be completely injured by that family."

"Oh? What's the matter? "

Qinghuai tells ningmengyao all the things that happened after Chen Qi went home. After listening, ningmengyao can't help laughing.

"If they find out that Chen Qi is still here, I may use him in the future. Will they regret to die?"

"It's no use. Chen Qi's cut-off book is not based on ordinary fingerprints, but also blood fingerprints. They dare not read the cut-off book at all. Chen Qi's wife is even scared by the letter of divorce printed with blood fingerprints. Even the door dare not go out." Thinking of the performance of that family, Qinghuai thought it was funny, but after that, he thought it was all their own.

When she saw Chen Qi's wound, Ning Mengyao had already guessed that such a gentle person could do such a bloody thing.

"Let people take good care of Chen Qi, and cook more porridge or soup for him during this period of time."

"Don't worry, miss. I'll arrange it."

"That's good. By the way, is Tianchang OK?"

"It's all right. I'll be back from there within ten days after I've been summoned." Thinking of the news just received, Qinghuai quickly opened up.

"In this way, I'll be relieved."