This time Qiao Tianchang went out inexplicably, which made ningmengyao have some bad feelings in her heart, especially after he went there for a few days, now he comes to the news.

We need to know where he went in the past, and we will tell her as long as conditions permit. But this time, before he left, he didn't even give her a message. He just said that he would go to the capital if there was something urgent, and then people left.

"Qinghuai, please ask someone to investigate what happened to Tianchang over there. If you can help, please help as much as possible, but don't let him know." Ningmengyao thought about it, but she still failed to suppress the bad feeling in her heart, so she hurriedly ordered.


In the capital city, Qiao Tianchang is lying on the bed with his eyes closed tightly, his face is pale, and Xiao Qitian has been guarding there.

"How is it?" Xiao Qitian's face was full of anxiety.

People have been in a coma for many days. If they don't wake up, how can they explain to Mengyao?

Mu Xue looks at Qiao Tianchang on the bed worried: "what's going on? Why is he so hurt? "

Mu Xue doesn't know what Qiao Tianchang did, only that a few days ago, Xiao Qitian and Xiao Qifeng carried Qiao Tianchang back with blood all over their body, and she asked that they didn't get any results.

"Xueer Keep it from Mengyao. " Xiao Qitian said with some difficulty.

"Why? This is Yao'er's husband. She has the right to know why she should keep it from her Mu Xue doesn't understand Xiao Qitian's meaning. Since people are already like this, why should they keep people from her? Is that interesting?

Xiao Qitian sighed helplessly and said, "this is what Tianchang ordered, and Nangong Yan is the one who seriously injured him."

This time, the three of them went out to work together, which was very smooth at first, but later Nangong Yan appeared with people. At that time, Nangong Yan was very strange, just like a puppet. Nobody knew him. If it wasn't for Qiao Tianchang to block the last attack of Nangong Yan, now it's either him or brother lying here.

If they had been hit that way, they might have died on the spot.

"What? This... How could it be? " Mu Xue stares round a pair of eyes, eyes are full of disbelief.

No matter what identity Nangong Yan is now, but this is his son-in-law. He even started to fight against his son-in-law. What does she mean?

"It's true. When she was in miaojiang, she attacked my aunt and seriously injured her aunt. Now her aunt is still in miaojiang to heal her wounds. She didn't come back with Mengyao. If Mengyao knew it, what would it look like? And at this time, some people are thinking about Shanger. Tianchang is injured. Some people are thinking about Shanger. What do you want Mengyao to do? " If you can, Xiao Qitian doesn't want to hide it from Ning Mengyao.

They are very clear that such concealment will not be concealed for a long time, but what he and Xiao Qifeng mean is that it is only for a while.

Muxue and ningmengyao spend a lot more time together than xiaoqitian. Naturally, they know what kind of character ningmengyao is. Especially, ningmengyao loves Qiao Tianchang very much. If she knows that Qiao Tianchang is in a coma now, she doesn't know how crazy she is.

"But it won't last long."

"It won't take long to keep it from me, and with Mengyao's smart head, I don't want long, she will know there is a problem." This is the biggest headache for Xiao Qitian.

At Qiao Tianchang's glance, Xiao Qitian suddenly regretted it. If they didn't let Tianchang come back, maybe it wouldn't have happened.

Mu Xue thought for a while: "I advise you to tell Yao Er, if she knows, then the consequences It's not what you and I can imagine. "

"I can't do it now. It was explained before Tianchang passed out of coma. We must keep it from Mengyao, so I'll deal with it well. Don't tell her." Xiao Qitian rubbed his brow and heart wearily. He was helpless.

What else did Mu Xue want to say, but when she saw Xiao Qitian's sad appearance, she couldn't help swallowing the words to her mouth. I only hope that Yao'er could detect it later.