At the same time, the Royal doctors in the Imperial Palace also went to the prince Qi's mansion for three days. They were afraid that something might happen to the great God, which would affect them.

The emperor has said that if general Qiao can't be cured, he will pay for their lives.

It was night. Ning Mengyao woke up suddenly from sleep. After waking up, her face was full of sweat and her eyes were full of fear.

She dreamt that Tianchang had an accident and was covered with blood. He said sorry and said many things, but she couldn't remember. He just remembered that he was covered with blood lying on the ground and looked at her with guilty eyes.

"What's wrong with you, miss?" The green bamboo outside heard the sound, hurriedly walked in, looked at Ning Mengyao's trance look, and quickly lit the light.

Ningmengyao shook his head and looked at Qingzhu: "Qingzhu, I dreamed of Tianchang's accident. He was covered with blood and said sorry to me."

"Miss, you don't want to think so much. You think about it day by day and dream at night. It will be OK. My uncle is very good. Didn't Qinghuai get the news before? He said he would be back in a few days. " Qingzhu soothes ningmengyao in a soft voice, reaches for her handkerchief and wipes the sweat on her face.

"But this dream is so real. It makes me think these things are really different." Ning Mengyao kept shaking her head.

"Let Qinghuai go and find out. We must get the exact information." She believes in her feelings. Before that, she felt something wrong. In addition to this dream, Ning Mengyao felt that Qiao Tianchang was really in trouble.

Qingzhu nodded quickly: "don't worry, miss. I'll go right away. Now it's still early. You can go back to sleep."

After Qingzhu went out, Ning Mengyao sat on the bed all the time, staring at the front, with a trance look and no spirit at all.

In the next few days, Ning Mengyao was always in a trance. Sometimes she could walk directly into the flowers.

Several times later, the family knew what was going on. Many people began to investigate Qiao Tianchang's affairs.

And just after they learned about Qiao Tianchang, they didn't know how to tell her.

Ningmengyao looked at the hesitation and tried to hide his people. His eyes were cold: "is there any news from Tianchang? Tell me. "

"Yao'er, calm down." Black old man sees ningmengyao like this, in the heart is helpless, this wench can not let them worry?

Ningmengyao took a deep breath, and then looked at the old black man seriously: "Grandpa black, I'm ok, you tell me, is Tianchang really something?"

Everyone's eyes were all on the black old man, and finally the black old man nodded: "yes, they found that Tianchang and Xiao Qifeng were out on a mission together, and they were killed by Nangong Yan on their way back. In order to protect the two brothers, Tianchang is still in a coma."

Ning Mengyao looked at the old black man and shook his head: "I don't believe it is true, it must not be true."

What happened to him? No, Tianchang will not.

The black old man looked at ningmengyao in a sad way, got up and walked to her side, and hugged the child, who was almost growing up, in his arms: "Yao'er, Grandpa knows that you are suffering, but we can't cry now, we have to find a solution, right?"

"Grandpa, let's go to the capital now. We'll go at once." Ningmengyao nodded, flustered wiped the tears on her face, looked up at the black old man and said earnestly.

Grandpa's medical skill is so powerful that he can cure Tianchang.

Black old man some helpless, saw Qingshuang several people one eye, Qingshuang several people clearly nodded, turned around to pack things.

"Do you want to take the baby with you?"

"Yes, I'm not sure to let them both here. This time I'm going to take them all to Tianchang. Even if I turn the continent over, I'll find those people." Ning Mengyao said with cruel eyes.

Black old man in the heart a Zheng, some worry of looking at Ning Mengyao: "Yao er you really OK?"

"Grandpa, don't worry. I'm ok."