Black old man went to the bedside and sat down, holding Qiao Tianchang's hand to carefully feel the pulse. The pulse made black old man frown tightly: "some internal organs were damaged and displaced, three ribs were broken, and the meridians were also damaged."

When Ning Mengyao heard that Qiao Tianchang had been hurt so badly, she wished she could go out and make Xiao Qitian look like this. But she thought that what Qiao Tianchang said once could only bring down the fire in her heart.

"Why didn't grandpa black wake up that day? When will he wake up? "

"Yao'er, don't worry. This kid's body is repairing itself. Those imperial doctors have dealt with his injury very well. It's just that there are some troubles in the meridians. Grandpa will give him a needle and take some medicine. Don't worry. Go to have a rest for yourself." Seeing ningmengyao's stubborn appearance, black old man was very distressed.

Ningmengyao shook her head: "I'm not sleepy. I'll watch him here."

"Then I'll go out and prepare the medicine for him."


After the black old man went out, Joe mofeng came in with Joe mofeng: "Mom, is Dad OK?"

"It's OK. He'll wake up." Even though the heart has almost stopped beating, Ning Mengyao still works hard to deal with the two brothers.

"Mother, father, play." Little Qiao moshang saw Qiao Tianchang lying on the bed, and finally said something that others could not understand intermittently.

Others don't understand, but Ning Mengyao is clear. What little monkey means is to let Qiao Tianchang get up and play with him.

"Dad is tired. He needs to rest. When Dad wakes up, how about playing with the little monkey?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao moshang, and the worry on her face is less.


"Yes, dad is tired. He wants to sleep."

Xiao Qitian stood at the door, listening to the words coming from inside, and felt extremely remorseful. He saw Ning Mengyao's eyes just now. Even Mu Xue, she seemed unwilling to take care of her.

Xiao Qifeng, knowing that Ning Mengyao had come, quickly put down the matter in his hand and came to the qiwangfu.

"Qitian, what's the matter with you?" When Xiao Qifeng saw that Xiao Qitian was covering his chest, his body was covered with blood, and his face was pale, he immediately frowned.

"Don't worry about me, brother. It's Mengyao."

"What's the matter?"

"She's really angry this time. Even Xueer doesn't want to take care of her. She doesn't even give a look." Xiao Qitian said with a wry smile.

He thought that Ning Mengyao would be angry, but he didn't expect that he would be so angry. He even ignored Mu Xue, as if he was angry.

Xiao Qifeng thought and looked at them and said, "let me go in and have a look."



Xiao Qifeng pushes the door open, and sees Ning Mengyao wiping Qiao Tianchang's face. Qiao moshang has been asleep for a long time. Ning Mengyao put him in the side of the bed. Qiao Moshan accompanies Ning Mengyao to do something for him from time to time.

Xiao Qifeng went to ningmengyao not far away and stood: "Mengyao this is our fault, I'm sorry." Ning Mengyao's movement pauses for a while, does not turn around, just lightly opens his mouth: "get out, I don't want to see you." As long as she saw these people, she could not help but think that Qiao Tianchang would be hurt like this just to save them.

They've been in front of her for a long time, and she can't help but want to kill them. ,

"Mengyao you......"

"I told you to get out of here, didn't you hear me?" Ningmengyao turned her head and looked at them with cold eyes, which did not cover up her killing intention to them.

At this moment, whether Xiao Qifeng or Xiao Qitian can feel the murderous spirit of Ning Mengyao.

She wanted to kill them, but because of Qiao Tianchang, she held back, and their presence stimulated her last nerve.

"Mengyao, listen to us."

"I'll let you go." Ningmengyao can't listen to anything at all now. Unless Qiao Tianchang wakes up, there is no way at all.

Black old man came in with the medicine and looked at two of the them: "you go out first, Yao'er is not in a stable mood now, you will only stimulate her here."