Xiao Qifeng and his brother look at each other. They can understand Ning Mengyao. It's because their affairs are the same as they are now. Naturally, they won't be angry. They just can't say how upset they are when they see Ning Mengyao.

"Let's go out first."

The black old man came to the bed with the medicine and looked at Ning Mengyao: "Yao Er, don't worry too much. Tianchang has his own good fortune and nothing will happen."

Ningmengyao wants to laugh, but she finds that she can't even laugh.

"Grandpa, I know he won't leave me and the little monkey alone." Ningmengyao's words are like telling old black man, and they are like telling himself.

"Come and feed the medicine." Black old man didn't know how to comfort Ning Mengyao. He could only pass the medicine in his hand.

Ning Mengyao takes a spoon to feed the medicine to Qiao Tianchang, but she has not been able to feed it for many times. Finally, she can only drink the medicine herself and feed it to him.

After feeding the medicine, Ning Mengyao turned to look at the old black man: "Grandpa black, can Tianchang's body move?"

"Yes, just be careful."

"I see. Come in, Qingxuan."

Outside, they came into the room: "miss."

Since the young lady knew that the uncle was injured and unconscious, their spirits were tense every day, and they were afraid of something.

"Take Tianchang and we will leave." She won't let Joe Tianchang stay here. She doesn't want to go back to the general's house. She wants to take Joe Tianchang to their own home.

"Yes." Qingxuan and Qinghuai carefully lifted Qiao Tianchang up and put him on the simple stretcher made by ningmengyao.

When ningmengyao took a few people out of the house, Xiao Qitian and them hurriedly came over: "Mengyao is dark now, where are you going?"

"Get out of the way."

"Mengyao, don't be so headstrong, will you?"

Ningmengyao sneers, willful? Is that about her?

"If I am really willful, now you two will not stand in front of me and scream with me, but just like Tianchang, lying in bed unconscious." Ning Mengyao looked at them coldly and said.

For a while, Xiao Qitian had a few words. Ning Mengyao didn't have time to tell him so much. He just looked at Qingshuang and said, "is the place ready?"

"Ready to stay."

"Let's go."

Xiao Qifeng stopped in front of Ning Mengyao: "I know you are blaming us, but now Tianchang's body can't stand the tossing. Do you want him to die?"

Ning Mengyao looked directly into Xiao Qifeng's eyes: "it's his responsibility and his idea to protect you. He is willing to do that, and I can't really do what to you, but don't really think who you are, and don't think that I dare not do what to you. Xiao Qifeng has done enough for you."

Xiao Qifeng was silent and didn't speak. He looked at Ning Mengyao in silence and said something different to her. From the realization to now, Tianchang has done enough for him. In this case, Tianchang didn't know how many times he did it.

"Let's go."

Seeing Ning Mengyao leave with Qiao Tianchang, old black man stops and shakes his head regretfully: "what Yao Er is angry about is that Tianchang is not hurt to save you, what she is angry about is that Tianchang is hurt, but you hide it from her. If she doesn't find it, when do you want to hide it?"

Xiao Qifeng and his brother stood there in silence, even Mu Xue was full of remorse. Yes, they only wanted to hide from her, but they never considered her feelings.

"We just..."

"You don't have to say anything, snow girl. You did it this time." Old black man looks at Mu Xue and shakes his head in disappointment. As expected, he married someone different from before.

Mu Xue's face changed. Looking at the old black man, he was worried: "Grandpa black, I'm not..."

"Well, needless to say, Yao'er doesn't want to see you now. I hope you don't have to go on messing around again." Black old man also doesn't care what expression three people are, finish saying this, turn around to leave.

He would also like to study how Qiao Tianchang's body ignored.

Muxue's body trembled slightly. If Xiao Qitian didn't hold her, she would have fallen to the ground.