"Are you OK, Xueer?" Xiao Qitian looks at Mu Xue worried. She is still pregnant with children. It's easy to have problems in this way.

Muxue shook her head gently: "I'm ok. I'll go to have a rest." Said from Xiao Qitian's arms, walked out.

Seeing Mu Xue's appearance, Xiao Qitian felt a little uncomfortable and frowned tightly: "brother, did we really do something wrong this time?"

Xiao Qifeng was silent and didn't speak. He didn't know if he had done anything wrong. To tell the truth, he didn't know. He just saw ningmengyao like that, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

When Mu Xue returned to the room, she drove the people around her out and shut herself in the room alone. No matter how the people outside knocked, she would not open the door or answer.

Seeing Ning Mengyao this time, Mu Xue's heart was like dripping blood. When hearing the words of old black man, Mu Xue suddenly thought that if Xiao Qitian was lying there today, and they were hiding her like this, they would not let her know anything. I'm afraid she would be the same as Ning Mengyao in the end.

Although she reminded them before, she didn't want to tell Ning Mengyao about it. She just thought that Xiao Qitian said she couldn't tell, so don't tell.

Since when, in her heart, Xiao Qitian's position has become so important? As long as you think of the strange eyes of Ning Mengyao, the heart of Mu Xue is painful.

Along the way, they don't know how many things they have met today, but now she has done such things, she can't forgive herself.

Mu Xue blames herself very much in the room, but over there, Xiao Qitian also receives the news of servants and hurriedly returns to their yard.

Forced to open the door, let the people outside leave, this just went to reach out and hug the Mu Xue curled up on the bed in her arms: "Xueer, I'm sorry, it's all my fault." If it wasn't for him, muxue wouldn't be like this with Ning Mengyao.

Muxue's body is slightly stiff for a while, and then she reaches out to hold Xiao Qitian's waist tightly with trembling hands: "Qitian, do you think Yao'er will never pay attention to me again?"

"No, don't worry." Xiao Qitian is not sure, just thinking that as long as Tianchang can wake up, as long as he can do nothing, even if Ning Mengyao is angry, he won't ride into anything, right?

Muxue kept shaking her head: "you don't know, even if Qiao Tianchang is OK this time, she will have a knot in her heart. Even if she is not angry, she will not be as close to us as ever, so good."

"I know, but we can take our time. Don't worry, OK?"


"Take a rest first. I'll find a way." If we don't deal with this time, I'm afraid it's the same as what Mu Xue said in the end.

Even if Qiao Tianchang woke up, Ning Mengyao's heart would have pimples.

In a remote house in the capital, Ning Mengyao sat by the bed and looked at Qiao Tianchang on the bed, sighed a little, and looked at Qiao mofeng who was unwilling to leave.

"Feng'er, you take your younger brother to have a rest first. There are mothers here. You need to have a good rest to help the mother take care of her younger brother. The mother may not have enough time to take care of the little monkey." Ningmengyao's next all the spirit should be put on Qiao Tianchang's body, certainly not so considerate to the little son.

Qiao mofeng thought about it, then nodded, "well, I took my brother to have a rest. If you have anything, you can call me."


After Qiao Mo Feng goes out with Qiao Mo Shang in his arms, Ning Mengyao looks at the black old man coming in: "how about Grandpa?"

"Don't worry. It's very good. No accident. I should be able to wake up in a few days." After black old man came back, he gave Joe Tianchang a full body examination. There were no other problems when there were those problems, which made black old man feel relieved.

He was afraid that there were hidden hidden dark injuries in the boy's body that could not be detected, so he asked difficultly to check whether there were insects and insects in his body.