Ning Mengyao breathed a magic breath, ignored Qiao Tianchang and walked out.

Qiao Tianchang saw that ningmengyao was so sad and lost. He understood why ningmengyao was angry, but he didn't know what to do.

"Miss, you Are you ok? " Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao worried.

I haven't found it before. Now I look at Ning Mengyao at a close distance, and I find her face is almost white and transparent. For nearly ten days, the young lady has been at the bedside, eating or drinking. If it wasn't for Qiao mofeng to put something hard to feed her every day, I'm afraid Ning Mengyao can't stand it now.

Just now they all heard Qiao Tianchang's voice, but miss came out without saying a word, so she made them more distressed and sad.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. You take care of him." Then they walked out of the yard regardless of their shocked eyes, went to the farthest yard from here, and locked themselves in the room.

All the worries and fears, at this moment, finally could not be suppressed and cried.

Qingshuang all looked at each other: "Qingzhu Qingxue, you two go to take care of the young lady and prepare some food for her. You haven't had a good rest these days."

"We know. You don't have to worry."

Nanyu glanced at Qingshuang and said, "let's go in and have a look."

Qingshuang thought a little and nodded. They went in together.

When entering the room, Qiao Tianchang looked out all the time and saw that the two of them were coming in. There was a clear disappointment in his eyes.

"How about Yao Yao?"

"Miss, go to have a rest."

"Is it?"

When Qingshuang saw Qiao Tianchang's appearance, she didn't know what to say: "I want to know why you do that, my uncle? Are the lives of those two more important than yours? Isn't miss and young master not as important as those two people? If something happens to you this time, have you ever thought about what to do with the young lady and the young master? "

"I......" At that time, he didn't think of anything at all, just thought that he could not let Xiao Qifeng go wrong, but at the moment when he was seriously injured, his mind was full of Ning Mengyao and their children.

At the moment when she woke up, she saw the haggard and weak appearance of Ning Mengyao. She knew how scared she was these days. She wanted to have a good chat with her, and then apologized to her, but he didn't think of it. She didn't even want to say a word to him. Seeing him awake, she asked grandpa black to check his body, and then left without saying a word.

At the moment when he saw her leave, his heart was full of regret, but it was too late to regret, everything has become a foregone conclusion.

"Qingshuang, please help me to see her."

"So you still think about our Miss? Do you know how you got here these days, miss? Stay by your bed all the time, eat or drink, sleep or not. If it wasn't for the young master's hard work to shove food into the young lady's mouth every day, or if it wasn't for Nanyu they would knock her unconscious and let her rest, I'm afraid you'd wake up to see the body of the young lady. " As soon as Qingshuang thinks of the sins that ningmengyao has suffered these days, she hates Qiao Tianchang.

When he saw ningmengyao, Qiao Tianchang knew how ningmengyao had come over these days. But when he heard Qingshuang's words, he couldn't help Qiao Tianchang's heartache. He even wished that all these things were on his own, not ningmengyao's.


"In fact, we can understand the relationship between you and the emperor, but now that you have a wife and a son, you should think more about them for your sister-in-law and Shanger." This time, Nan Yu also thought that Qiao Tianchang was too much. Seeing Ning Mengyao's daily appearance, they were not happy.

"I know." But what's the use of knowing now? Ningmengyao is unwilling to talk to him or even see him. Even if he wants to apologize, there is no way.

Yes, he is going to find Yaoyao.

Stand up from the bed, bear the pain from the chest, and insist on going down from the ground.

"Do you want to make the young lady more uncomfortable in this way, my uncle? Or do you think Miss is not sad enough now? "