Qiao Tianchang wants to go to the ground. He pauses for a moment. He pretends not to hear Qingshuang. He gets up from the bed and staggers out.

When Qingshuang saw him like this, he could not hate: "Joe Tianchang, don't go too far."

"Where is Yao Yao?"

Qingshuang didn't speak, and the people outside didn't speak. Qiao Tianchang knew that they didn't want to tell him, and they were not angry. If they didn't, he could find it himself, right?

Black old man looks at Qiao Tianchang displeased, clasps his shoulder with one hand: "do you want this body?"

"Grandpa black, I'm going to find Yaoyao. I'm ok."

"Nan Yu takes him back to bed and lies down. If he is running down, I will ask you."

Nanyu nodded. Taking advantage of Qiao Tianchang's inattention, he ordered a cave path and carried the man to the bed.


"Eldest brother, sister-in-law needs to rest, she also needs to be quiet. You hurt her deeply this time. In sister-in-law's heart, it's just that she and Shanger are not as important as the emperor and king Qi in your heart."

Qiao Tianchang looks at Nanyu stupidly, will it be like this? Will it be the same as what Nanyu said? Yao Yao really thinks so.

But in Ning Mengyao's heart, there is such an idea. So when she saw Qiao Tianchang wake up, she left directly. She didn't want to see the face that made her angry.

Qiao mofeng knew from Qingshuang that Ning Mengyao had gone, and he still went to the farthest yard where his father lives now. He took Qiao moshang there.

In the room, Qingxue and Qingzhu look at Ning Mengyao's empty eyes and look at the front with no expression.

"Don't do that, miss. Would you like to eat a little?"

Ning Mengyao shook her head and said, "go out, I'll be alone."

"But miss..."

"Get out."

When Qiao Mo Feng comes over with Qiao Mo Shang, he sees such a scene: "Mom, would you like to eat something?"

Green bamboo two people see Qiao Mo Feng as if they saw a savior. They need to know that these days they are relying on the eldest young master, and miss is willing to eat something.

Qiao Mo Feng put Qiao Mo Shang on the bed, took the porridge from the green bamboo hand, went to the bedside and sat down: "Mom, you have a little."

"Feng'er's mother can't eat it. When she's hungry, she'll eat it."

"How many times have Niang said such words these days, and that time really cashed in?" Qiao Mo Feng frowned and looked at Ning Mengyao discontentedly.

"Mom, eat." Qiao moshang stood up on his bed and walked to Ning Mengyao's side. His big black eyes looked at her.

Looking at his son, Ning Mengyao's heart pain, slightly reduced some, reached out and rubbed his son's hairy head: "little monkey is really cute."

"Niang, you see that your brother let you eat too. You can eat some, even if it's just a little." Qiao mofeng ladled a spoon of porridge and put it to Ning Mengyao's mouth. He looked at Ning Mengyao without blinking.

Ningmengyao's mouth moved. At last, she opened her mouth and ate some of them, only less than a third of them. Ningmengyao shook her head and refused to eat any more.


"Feng'er, that's enough. I can't eat it."

Qiao mofeng had no choice but to put the porridge aside, and motioned to green bamboo with his eyes. Then he told Ning Mengyao what they had done these days and what his brother would say.

With two children accompanying, Ning Mengyao was in a better mood. Only after they went out from Qingzhu, Ning Mengyao had two children, and no one wanted to see them, including the black old man.

Qingxue looks at the closed door with some worries: "Miss Qingzhu will be ok?" They haven't seen her since they met her.

They all saw her along the way with her uncle, but this time they didn't even want to mention his name.

"Miss will be fine, but I don't know if my uncle will be fine." Now Qiao Tianchang's situation is not very good, especially after knowing that Ning Mengyao would not like to see anyone except two children, the expression on his face has been very ugly.