It has been several days since Qiao Tianchang woke up. Although there is not much news here, they still know that Qiao Tianchang has woke up.

After hearing the news, the two men were relieved: "brother, shall we go to see Tianchang?"

Xiao Qifeng nodded and agreed after a little thought. These days, they are really afraid of any bad news coming from there.

They cleaned up, took a lot of things, and went to the yard where Qiao Tianchang is now.

Xiao Qi goes to knock on the door. Qingshuang comes to open the door. Seeing the two people in front of him, Qingshuang silently gives up and lets them in.

Although she didn't say anything, Xiao Qifeng and her husband felt the low pressure on her.

They are not welcome to Qingshuang.

When they came to Qiao Tianchang's injured yard, they saw Qiao Tianchang lying on the bed. There were only two people on the edge, Nanyu and Qingzhu. No one else was there, including Ning Mengyao. Not to utter a single word as like as two peas, Xiao Qifeng saw the two brothers in the South Island, and no matter whether he was loyal or not, he went out without saying anything. The attitude of

was exactly the same as that of green cream.

Xiao Qitian blinked and looked at Xiao Qifeng doubtfully: "how do I feel like they don't welcome us?"

"Well." So obvious things, need to be said? It's stupid and hopeless.

Xiao Qitian touched his nose awkwardly, turned his head and looked at Qiao Tianchang, whose eyes were blank and pale: "Tianchang, are you ok?"

Qiao Tianchang didn't know if he heard Xiao Qitian's voice. He turned his head and looked at him. Then he continued to look at the top of the bed and didn't know what he was thinking.

Qiao Tianchang's state makes brother Xiao Qifeng a little embarrassed. What's the situation? What else happened these days that they didn't know? Why... How are you all like this picture.

"Tianchang, where is Mengyao? Why didn't you see her? " Xiao Qitian looked around, but still didn't see anyone, he said doubtfully.

Now Qiao Tianchang had a reaction. He said hoarsely, "I don't know where Yao Yao is. I've seen her since I woke up. I haven't seen her since now. She didn't even say a word to me."

Yes, she asked all the people in her family to take care of him, but what he wanted was not this. What he wanted was to let her talk with him, that's all.

Xiao Qifeng's brother's face changed: "how can it be?" How could they have such a good relationship.

Joe Tianchang laughed at himself, yes, why did it become like this.

"Tianchang you Are you ok? "

"What can I do?" Qiao Tianchang's light mouth, his eyes have not been put on the two people's body, and what he has been thinking about is the back of Ning Mengyao's leaving after he woke up.

Xiao Qitian grabbed his hair and didn't know what to say.

"Tianchang, why does Mengyao ignore you?"

Qiao Tianchang closed his eyes gently: "when I woke up, Qingshuang and her parents told me that Yaoyao ate by Maple hard into her mouth at that time. They knocked her out when she slept. Even if she knocked her out, she would open her eyes at most half an hour." Joe Tianchang turned his head and looked inward, not wanting to let them see his mess.

Xiao Qifeng's eyes were round, and they didn't know anything.

"But like this..."

"When I woke up, she asked grandpa Hei to check my body, and then asked Qingxue to take care of me. Then she stayed behind. Except for two children, she couldn't see anyone, not only me, but also Qingxue. They haven't seen Yaoyao for a long time." Qiao Tianchang interrupts Xiao Qifeng's words and lightly says that there is no desire and no demand in his voice. If they can't feel his sadness and pain, they may think that he is just a puppet without soul.

Xiao Qitian looks at Qiao Tianchang in silence: "Tianchang is sorry."

"These days I've been wondering if what I've been insisting on is wrong." It has been two or three years since we realized that he and Yaoyao have never had a red face, but this time he really didn't know what to do.