Xiao Qitian stepped back and looked at his brother incredulously: "what she said is false, right?"

No matter what, Xiao Qitian still doesn't want to believe that Xiao Qifeng has done such a thing. He grabs Xiao Qifeng's clothes with his hands and says eagerly.

Xiao Qifeng ignored Xiao Qitian and just looked at Ning Mengyao: "how did you find out?"

Ning Mengyao shook the envelope in her hand: "you seem to forget that the information system of tongbaozhai is good."

Xiao Qifeng nodded clearly: "so it is, but even if you know, how about it? You can't do anything about me. "

"It's you who hurt me at the gate of Baishan village and rescued Nangong Yan, right?" Xiao Qitian suddenly burst out a word, which let ningmengyao and Xiao Qitian's eyes on him.

Xiao Qifeng looks at Qiao Tianchang unexpectedly: "how do you know?"

"Nangong Yan stopped when he was about to hurt you." At that time, it was a long time, until he stopped in front of them, Nangong Yan returned to normal.

At that time, there was doubt in his heart, but before he could think more, he was seriously injured and comatose.

When he woke up, he thought a lot, especially about it.

"Well, you're just as observant." This is a disguised recognition of the person is really him, and Xiao Qitian has been silly, can't believe to stand in place, staring at Xiao Qifeng.

Is this still his brother?

"Tianchang is too smart. It's not good." Xiao Qifeng put his hand on his lips and bent his fingers to blow it. Soon a group headed by Nangong Yan appeared in the yard.

Ningmengyao looks at these people in front of her, with no extra expression on her face, but looks at them indifferently.

"Be careful, miss." Qingshuang and Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife hurriedly come to their side and block in front of them. Now they are frail and their injuries are not good, which makes them very worried?

"Take the Lord back." Xiao Qifeng didn't look at Xiao Qitian either. He asked directly.

Xiao Qitian laughs: "it turns out that this is my real brother. OK, that's great."

For so many years, all people have been cheated by him, even his brother has been kept in the dark, which is not good at all.

Xiao Qifeng squinted at Xiao Qitian and said, "be obedient, I will not hurt Mu Xue."

"Be obedient? It's to threaten Xueer with me. Let her take you to the base camp of tongbaozhai. " The power of tongbaozhai is too strong, but where is the base camp.

Xiao Qitian looks at Qiao Tianchang, with a sad smile on his face: "Tianchang is sorry, I'm really sorry."

The words fall, the person has already started, the wrist turns over, in the hand appeared with the adult palm size wants the dagger.

"I respect you as a brother. Tianchang is a good brother. You are not like this all the time. Why are you like this now?" Xiao Qitian is holding a dagger. The moves are a bit disorderly, but it is also such a move that Xiao Qifeng really has no way to guard against it.

Ning Mengyao looks at them like that, but he really believes that Xiao Qitian really doesn't know about it.

"Yao Yao you......"

Ningmengyao didn't take care of Qiao Tianchang, but looked at the brothers Xiao Qifeng and their hands and feet.

She hasn't really seen this kind of drama. Now she sees it, but she thinks it's ridiculous.

Xiao Qifeng seems to be a little impatient by Xiao Qitian. He dodged the attack of Xiao Qitian, and hit his right shoulder with a palm containing internal power. Xiao Qitian's arm was numb and his dagger fell down.

Xiao Qifeng reached for the dagger, his eyes full of fanaticism: "where are you from?"

He knows it. It's the wealth left by the first princess, but now it's in his brother's hands. How can he not be jealous.

Xiao Qitian covered his chest and looked at Xiao Qifeng with indignant eyes: "brother, you didn't know that?"