"What do you mean?"

Xiao Qitian laughed sarcastically: "what do you mean? Elder brother, you have calculated me and Tianchang. You have calculated all the people, but you have missed the same thing. " That is ningmengyao and tongbaozhai.

Xiao Qifeng's face changed: "what do you mean?"

"Xiao Qifeng, do you think it's all the power of tongbaozhai now?" Ning Mengyao said sarcastically.

"I don't want him dead." Ningmengyao light mouth.

Then Xiao Qifeng saw dozens of people standing around the yard, all covered in armor.

"This is..." He had never seen such a dress before. He turned around and looked at Ning Mengyao: "which treasure have you found?"

If not for that treasure, how could she have such strength.

"I want those two children." Xiao Qifeng grins at Ning Mengyao and says coldly.

The people behind Xiao Qifeng, after receiving his order, spread out. They were fast. Ning Mengyao's people were faster. They quickly stopped those people. One third of them had no voice under one face-to-face.

Xiao Qifeng's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. These people are all the elites in his hands. Now they can't even walk away in other people's hands, which makes him unbelievable.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qifeng with his hands around his chest like a smile: "it seems that you are not good either."

At the same time, Ning Mengyao flashed to Xiao Qifeng and started directly.

In the fight between the two, there was no gorgeous move, but the move was fatal. Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao with worried face. He wanted to go up to help, but was stopped by Nanyu: "boss, you're in the body now, don't make trouble."

This is the first time that Joe Tianchang has been rejected, and he has been rejected by people who have trained him.

Qingshuang looked at Qiao Tianchang contemptuously: "I think you should like to drink the medicine with a jin of yellow lotus, don't worry, I'll prepare it for you later."

In a word, let Joe Tianchang widen his eyes, and let him take that kind of medicine which is too bitter to pay for his life? Give him a break.

In this period of time, he knew the ability of Qingshuang to retaliate. When he took the medicine every day, he could not eat anything. Even if he took it, it was a bitter taste.

Joe Tianchang silently turned around and felt that he had to coax people back earlier. These saved guys didn't take him seriously.

Ningmengyao's hand was clasped on Xiao Qifeng's shoulder, but he turned to hide.

"Withdraw." See their own people out of the southern palace flame, there are few people, Xiao Qifeng frown, and then bite teeth command.

If he doesn't leave here, all his people will be damaged here.

"I'll take revenge on Ning Mengyao today." Finish Xiao Qifeng's empty move, and take up the lightness skill to leave.

Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng's figure, who left in a mess. His face was like crying and laughing.

"Haha, I've always been just a joke."

When he came back from the battlefield, he began to do business. Two thirds of the gold and silver he got went to the Treasury. But in the end, he was busy for nothing.

Thinking of Xiao Qifeng's attitude towards him, Xiao Qitian could not help laughing at himself.

Ningmengyao took a look at him and turned to take people away.

Just a few steps away, Qiao Tianchang reached out and grabbed Ning Mengyao's wrist: "Yaoyao."

The people around me tremble. How many people are excited by this sentence? How can he say such a thing?

It's just They got goosebumps from being bored.

"Let go." Ningmengyao earned a few times, did not open, the brow immediately wrinkled up, what does this person mean? And the injury, the strength is still so big.

"No, Yao Yao, I know it's my fault. You haven't paid attention to me for so many days. Don't be angry, will you?" In order to make ningmengyao stingy, Qiao Tianchang has to be coquettish and cute.

Ningmengyao's mouth twitched suspiciously. Looking at Qiao Tianchang's appearance, she shivered. She was so magical. She had never seen him like this.

Another free hand suddenly raised and pressed heavily on his wrist. Qiao Tianchang unconsciously released the hand holding Ning Mengyao.