Ningmengyao didn't answer Qiao Tianchang. He called Qingxuan and several others went to the study.

"Qingxuan told the other side to be ready. We'll leave right away." Although we know that Xiao Qifeng will soon let people close the city gate, if a door can block them, then they are not fooling around?

"The lady's side is ready, and there is news from Chuang Tzu. When everything is ready, wait for the lady to go back." Qingxuan nodded and said.

"Very well, clean up. We'll leave right away."

When Ning Mengyao took people out, he saw Qiao Tianchang standing at the door looking at Ning Mengyao pitifully. He looked like a abandoned dog.

Xiao Qitian came to them in silence: "Mengyao, can you help me to find out where Xueer is locked by him?" They are going to leave. Naturally, he can't follow them, and he is going to save his wife and children.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qitian and says, "Qinghuai."

Qinghuai nodded, raised his hand, and then cut down heavily on Xiao Qitian's stamina.

"Take it."

"Yao Yao, he......"

Ningmengyao throws a look in the past. Qiao Tianchang quickly closes his mouth and stops pleading for Xiao Qitian. He can't help him now.

No matter where ningmengyao goes, Qiao Tianchang follows him. Several times, ningmengyao turns around and almost bumps into Xiao Qitian. This makes ningmengyao angry. Is this person not weaned or something? What are you doing with her? Nothing to do?

"Yao Yao, will you not be angry with me?" Although they are in the same place these days, he can't see or hear people. It's really a bad taste.

But Ning Mengyao didn't pay attention to Qiao Tianchang's uncomfortable appearance: "get up."

Qiao Tianchang stands in silence and looks at Ning Mengyao leaving. He looks down and doesn't know what he is thinking.

Ningmengyao walked for a while and found that Qiao Tianchang didn't keep up with her. Her face changed. However, she didn't turn around to look, nor slow down, but accelerated her pace.

"And the young lady?"

"I don't know." Ning Mengyao said not very angry.

Qingxue closes her mouth and doesn't open her mouth again. Wuwu. Now the young lady is a dynamite bucket. She doesn't dare to provoke.

Nanyu quietly went to find someone, but found that Qiao Tianchang fainted on the ground.

He quickly helped the man to his bed and lay down. Nanyu first went to find old man hei and then to find Ning Mengyao: "sister in law, the eldest brother fainted and was very hot, as if he had a fever."

Ningmengyao's face changed as soon as she heard it, and she left her things and ran out.

Seeing her in such a hurry, Nanyu couldn't help laughing. She was obviously worried, but why did she do that?

"I can't understand what my sister-in-law is going to do." Nanyu muttered helplessly.

Qingshuang glanced at Nanyu and said, "Miss, I want to teach you a long lesson."

Well, lesson? But I don't want to teach you such cold violence, do I?

If it's only for one day, he will go mad.

Ningmengyao sat by the bed and looked at the old black man: "Grandpa, how is he?"

"Nothing, it's just that I haven't taken good care of myself these days, and I'm relaxed. Is it a fever? When the fever subsides, it will be all right. " Said the old black man, as he gave Joe Tianchang a needle.

Ningmengyao was relieved as soon as she heard this: "that's good, Grandpa. Let's get ready. Let's leave here."


After the black old man left, Ning Mengyao sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the man who closed her eyes on the bed. Although she was really angry these days, she couldn't bear it. After the two people showed their feelings, they were almost together and never quarreled with each other. Although she knew it was bad, she couldn't control it.

She also understood in her heart that the thing to do as a minister is to protect her monarch from harm, but the reality is so cruel. She could not help sighing for her insight. Xiao Qifeng is the identity. Ning Mengyao had some guesses in her heart, maybe related to the Xiao family on the west coast.