Sitting by the bed, thinking about Xiao Qifeng, looking at Qiao Tianchang's present appearance, all these things make ningmengyao feel a little depressed.

Xiao Qitian is not worried about other people helping her. Although there is a kind of unspeakable disappointment in her heart to Mu Xue, she can understand. After all, she is a family member with Xiao Qitian, but only a friend with her.

Thinking about it, Ning Mengyao didn't know what it was. She fell asleep on the edge of the bed. When Qiao Tianchang woke up, he saw Ning Mengyao fell asleep on the edge of the bed, frowning tightly, as if there was something bothering her.

He reached out and smoothed her frown. Qiao Tianchang looked at her haggard face and black eyes. He felt indescribable remorse and discomfort.

Ningmengyao is touched by Qiao Tianchang. Subconsciously, she opens her eyes and sees that Qiao Tianchang wakes up and looks down.

"Will Yaoyao forgive me?" Qiao Tianchang has been thinking about how to make ningmengyao forgive him these days. He thought a lot, but when he really saw people, he couldn't say anything good.

Ningmengyao never spoke, but this attitude made Qiao Tianchang more afraid. She was afraid that ningmengyao would ignore him and not see him as before.

He can bear not talking to him, but the most intolerable thing is that she said nothing to him, and she was cold and violent to him.

"Yao Yao, you can fight and scold, but don't be cold and violent to me. I don't like it." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao wrongly.

That cold and hard face, with such expression, I have to say, has a sense of conflict, but also makes Ning Mengyao a little sad.

"You are the general."

Joe Tianchang laughed at himself: "it's not now." After knowing Xiao Qifeng's betrayal, he is no longer the general of Xiao.

And even if Xiao Qifeng is not such a person, he is not going to stay.

What he wanted to do was to help them, and then he told Xiao Qifeng that he would go back to the field with Ning Mengyao and his two sons. It would be better if he had a limited time in their village.

I just didn't expect that this mission not only nearly killed him, but also knew some things about Xiao Qifeng and some secrets of those who didn't do it.

Thinking of this, Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a little gloom, no matter what, they were all friends for more than ten years, but finally they are now.

However, Qiao Tianchang thought that Xiao Qitian might be the most uncomfortable one. After all, he grew up with Xiao Qifeng, but now he finds that his most trusted brother even grabbed his wife to threaten him. What's more, he's not like the person he once knew. How sad should he be?

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang, who is distracted, and draws directly from the corner of her eyes. Isn't this person apologizing? Isn't this man asking for forgiveness? Why did you suddenly go out of the sky? Seeing him like this, Ning Mengyao suddenly wanted to throw people out directly.

"Yao Yao, Qi naivete no problem?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's eyebrows and frowns, and says with some worries.

Ningmengyao is eager to plug this man's mouth with smelly socks. At this time, she still has time to manage other people's affairs? Does her wife ignore it? She's still angry.

Seeing that Ning Mengyao's face was not good-looking, Qiao Tianchang realized later that he had said something wrong?

"Take a rest. I'm out." Then she got up and left. She really didn't know if she would strangle people if she stayed.

Joe Tianchang hurriedly reached out his hand and grabbed the man. He would not let go.

"Yao Yao......" Qiao Tianchang didn't say anything superfluous. After calling Ning Mengyao's name, he looked at her with eyes.

This eyes let Ning Mengyao some familiar, think carefully, this is not the same as the little monkey?

what bad things happened as like as two peas, and then she would be angry with them. Then she would look at her with a pair of eyes that followed exactly the same way.

But the same eyes, on this man, how can people feel so weird?

"Reach out his hand to block his eyes:" so adult still learn little monkey, you also don't disrelish