Xiao Qitian's face turned pale because of Qingliu's words. His heart was worried when he thought of the face and expression just now.

Frowning, he did not understand why the man in Xiao Qifeng's hand was so similar to Mu Xue, as if they were the same person.

Qingliu looks at Xiao Qitian who is still dazed and sneers: "it's not a wise decision to be dazed at this time."

"I'll find out about it. Help me to tell Ning Mengyao that I'll take it away in the snow." Finish not to give Qingliu a chance to talk, take advantage of the gap of Qingliu's attack to dodge, and at the same time, use the lightness skill to leave.

Qingliu looks at Xiao Qitian who left in a rage. Unexpectedly, even if he was injured, he would leave here.

But at the thought of Xiao Qitian's strange appearance just now, Qingliu couldn't help wondering, is the man in Xiao Qifeng's hand really similar to Mu Xue?

Such an idea makes Qingliu not catch up with him, but makes people capture all the people who have not come to leave in a hurry.

"Miss, I feel something is wrong with Xiao Qitian."


"It can't be said that it's xiaoqitian. It should be the muxue in xiaoqifeng's hand. Judging from xiaoqitian's expression, the woman must be very similar to muxue, which makes him unable to distinguish at one time." Qingliu thought of a more appropriate word and said it seriously.

Ningmengyao single hand percussion desktop: "he left?"

"Yes, but when he left, he said that this matter would be investigated clearly, and miss Mu would come to pick it up." Qingliu nodded and told ningmengyao exactly what xiaoqitian said.

Ning Mengyao frowned. What happened these two days is really too strange. Especially Xiao Qifeng, he seems to be doing something deliberately and hiding something.

Mu Xue sits on the edge and listens to Qingliu's words. She looks a little stunned. Is it really different from what Qingliu said? Is it really just because it's too similar that he didn't recognize it?

She really did not dare to think, as long as the thought of Xiao Qitian even said that she was fake, her heart was blocked.

Ning Mengyao looked at Mu Xue and said, "is it or not? I will know then."

Although Ning Mengyao is still talking to Mu Xue, she is not as close as she used to be.

Muxue's eyes flashed a trace of bitterness, then she said, "Yao'er, I'm sorry, and thank you."

"Don't say thank you to me. You're not sorry. In fact, I know everything." After getting married and having children, no matter who she is, the focus of life will be on her own small home. Only her husband can accompany her for life, and she is just a familiar person in her life, that's all.

Mu Xue wants to explain, but she doesn't know where to start. She can only smile bitterly and say: "I didn't know this until later, because they said that Tianchang wouldn't let you know, so I also told them to let them tell you earlier. "

I just didn't expect that when they didn't speak, she had already found it, and it was so extreme.

Ning Mengyao believes Mu Xue. If she is seriously injured, she will do the same thing as Qiao Tianchang, just because she doesn't want him to worry too much.

However, she knew that although she knew it, she would not forgive him so easily. This time, she had to let him know the lesson and see if he dare to do such dangerous things next time.

Ningmengyao looked at muxue and said lightly, "have a good rest, and leave here in a few days."

Muxue's body is stiff. She nods after a long time. But Ning Mengyao knows that she can't rest assured.

Ningmengyao looked at the front: "you can only be his weakness. This time, I can save you, just because I haven't left, even if I want to save, I can't reach it."

Muxue smiled bitterly and nodded, "I know what you said."

But still worried about Xiao Qitian. Thinking of the situation that Xiao might have now, Mu Xue was relieved not to let Xiao Qitian down.

After all, Xiao Qifeng has changed and they don't know each other. Xiao Qitian will only be hurt if he stays.

"Xiao Qitian won't let himself go into adversity."