Xiao Qitian is a smart man. He knows what kind of situation is best for him. And now he is also useful for Xiao Qifeng. There is no danger.

Mu Xue nodded silently and said no more.

After Xiao Qitian returned to the palace, he went to find Xiao Qifeng: "I want to see Xueer."

Xiao Qifeng looked back at Xiao Qitian and frowned: "you've seen it before."

"What? Afraid that I know what or that person is actually you find someone to deceive me? " Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng sarcastically and smiled coldly.

Xiao Qifeng took a deep look at Xiao Qitian and said, "since you want to see her, please see her." Finish saying to see the person around one eye, the other side nodded to walk out.

Not long after the people who left came back, followed by a woman with a big stomach.

as like as two peas as like as two peas, the same expression between the eyebrows is the same as that of his smile.

Looking at the woman in front of him, if he didn't see the snow bathing, the pain, sadness and unbelievability in his eyes, he would even doubt that he was really deceived.

But isn't he being cheated now? Just to deceive him is to become a brother who used to be extremely admired and liked.

"Grandpa, you are back."

There was a flash of mockery in Xiao Qitian's eyes. In fact, this woman also has flaws, and the two characters of Xianggong are.

He has been with Mu Xue for nearly a year since his marriage, but mu Xue never called her husband. In addition to being in bed, when he asked her, she always called him Qi Tian outside or in the house. Occasionally, she also called him Qi, but there was no such natural call for him.

"Muxue" saw Xiao Qitian and didn't speak, just looked at him with a very strange eyes, and immediately wondered: "what's wrong with you, Grandpa? Why do you look at me like this? " Said also reached out to touch own face, did the face have the problem?

Xiao Qitian smiled at Mu Xue and said softly, "I remember that from our marriage to now, you have never called me Xianggong. All of them are my names. Why do you suddenly think of calling me Xianggong?"

It seems like a random question, but let "Mu Xue", and Xiao Qifeng are stunned for a while.

"We are husband and wife. Isn't it normal to call you a husband and wife? Don't you think it's good? " "Mu Xue" looked at Xiao Qitian in bewilderment, as if he didn't understand his idea and meaning.

Xiao Qitian chuckled and said lightly, "there is nothing bad."

This is also true. Only in this way can he remind himself that this man is a fake and is not his wife at all.

Xiao Qifeng saw this, relieved, and then looked at Xiao Qitian: "since you have seen, you should also cash in what you promised me."

Xiao Qitian chuckled and laughed, full of mockery: "brother Huang, we've not been flirting with Tianchang for two days. We've known ningmengyao for several years. Do you think they're all idiots, or they're all soft footed shrimps. You can get what they have at any moment? If so, tongbaozhai will not develop to the present level. "

"You..." Of course, Xiao Qifeng knows this, but now if he doesn't do it, he can't do it. Not only that, but also Xiao will be in turmoil because of the counter attack of tongbaozhai.

"Tongbaozhai is in full operation. It's too late to stop." Xiao Qifeng suppressed his anger and said in a cold voice.

Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng with a smile: "even this is known. It seems that you have put people in tongbaozhai, but do you think those people in ningmengyao just eat and don't do anything?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't underestimate Ning Mengyao. She is much smarter than you think." Xiao Qitian thought of getting along with Ning Mengyao these years, LengSheng said.

Ningmengyao is a person who can't even see through. There seems to be a thin layer of fog on her, which makes people can't see clearly.

Maybe Tianchang doesn't know how powerful his wife is.