Xiao Qifeng frowned and looked at Xiao Qitian, with a little displeasure in his eyes: "you don't have to worry about this, you just have to do your own thing."

Xiao Qitian lowered his eyes and looked down. Then he said lightly, "I know how to do it. I don't need you to teach me." Finish saying turn round to leave, when walk, did not see Mu snow one eye.

His attitude made Xiao Qifeng confused. Did he know?

But should not, this person is they train come out, even if be him, two bathe snow stands together, also not be able to recognize which is in the end.

"Go down."

"Muxue" turns around and leaves, while Xiao Qitian suppresses the anger in his heart and returns to the prince Qi's mansion.

Looking at his room with Mu Xue, Xiao Qitian is very upset. Now he is still there, but the hostess is not.

Xiao Qitian knows very well that Mu Xue will definitely leave with Ning Mengyao and they. At that time, he really doesn't know how to contact her.

Also, I don't know whether Mu Xue is OK now, whether he is still sad because of his mistake, whether he has resentment to his heart.

Xiao Qitian's brain was filled with questions one by one. The feeling of worry and suspicion was really not good at all.

After shaking his head, no matter what, as long as he is safe now, he will be relieved if there is nothing else.

In the house, Ning Mengyao looked at the old black man and said, "is Grandpa ready?"

"Don't worry, Yao'er. She is ready to leave at any time." Old black man nodded.

"Well, what's going on outside Qingxuan?"

"The gate outside has been guarded by heavy soldiers. It may be a little troublesome to leave." Said Qingxuan with a frown.

Ning Mengyao nodded to show that she knew.

"You go down first and clean up. We'll leave as soon as possible."


Although I don't know what kind of way Ning Mengyao can leave, no matter they or Qingliu, they all believe in Ning Mengyao.

"Where are we going, Yao'er? Back to Baozhai, or to Baishan village? " Mu Xue looks at Ning Mengyao and asks.

In her heart, maybe she wants to go to Baishan village, so it's easier to meet Xiao Qitian.

"Go back to Baozhai."

Mu Xue's face froze, then nodded, "I know."

She should have known for a long time. Now it's a troubled autumn. How can she go back to Baishan village? Moreover, when they go back, they will only bring harm to the innocent people. It's better to go back to tongbaozhai.

Ningmengyao nodded. She would not go back to Baishan village for the time being. She had already arranged over there. The hands and feet of those guys are not easy for ordinary people to open, so she was completely relieved that even the yanglele family had been sent to tongbaozhai by her.

"Qingshuang goes to see the two young masters. I'll go myself." Ning Mengyao stood up and walked towards the back yard.

After coming here, Ning Mengyao asked the man who was proficient in the Taoist art to make the array in the yard of the two children. Ordinary people can't open it. Even if they meet the same person, it will take some time.

Ning Mengyao goes in and sees Qiao Mo Feng telling a story to Qiao Mo Shang. The next guy is looking up at his brother with a silly face.

"Little monkey, you are so stupid." Ning Mengyao is upset before sweeping away, and can't help laughing.

Qiao moshang turns to look at Ning Mengyao: "Niang, hug."

Ningmengyao walked over and reached out to pick up the man: "OK, Niang hug."

Holding the child, he sat in the chair beside him: "Maple, we are going to leave here. How are you?"

"I'm ok. Before that, sister Qingxue told me that I should clean up. I've also cleaned up. Don't worry, mom." Xiao Qifeng is not an ordinary child, but more sensitive than other people. He knows that they will stay here, the situation is not good for them, so it's better to leave.

Ningmengyao was relieved: "I'll be relieved, but I'll probably go back to Baishan village for a while."