Looking at the slowly closed entrance door, Ning Mengyao has no feeling, but the snow beside her is holding her corner, looking at the door, leaving this time, I don't know when I will see him.

I don't know if he will remember her and her children in the future.

Thinking that he might be with other women, especially the woman who pretended to be her, muxue felt very bad and even hurt.

Ningmengyao sees this, light mouth: "always come back, if he is in know that is false Mu snow, still with each other, then what can you think of?"

Mu Xue was stunned and then smiled. Yes, if Xiao Qi is such a naive person, is it necessary for her to be sad for him?

"if you think it through, let's go. There are many things we can do after going back." Ning Mengyao took a look at the front and said seriously.


Mu Xue looks at the entrance door at last, then turns around to follow Ning Mengyao's side step by step.

Qiao Tianchang found that there were two carriages standing at the foot of a barren mountain less than 100 li away from the capital, and the rest were all horses

"These horses were all found by others. Later, they gave birth to foals and raised them." Ningmengyao's light explanation.

But such an explanation made Qiao Tianchang smile and bend his eyes: "Yaoyao......"

"Don't be so close. I have no intention of forgiving you." Ning Mengyao snorted and turned around. Gu took brother Qiao mofeng to one of the carriages and asked Qingxue and Qingzhu to take care of muxue. Qingshuang stayed with her.

When Qiao mofeng came to the carriage, he turned to look at Qiao Tianchang's helpless face, shrugged his shoulders, and spread out his hands to him, saying that he could not help it.

Speechless looking at that seemingly comforting, is actually in the show off Qiao Mo Feng, Qiao Tianchang's eyelids straight smoke.

Originally, Qiao Tianchang wanted to ride a horse, but he thought of Ning Mengyao. He went to the carriage and saw him as soon as he went in. Ning Mengyao leaned on the soft couch and closed his eyes, as if he was sleepy.

With a sigh, she went over, though she tried to show nothing, but who was he? He has been with her for so long, can he not understand him?

This girl seems to be punishing him, but she is punishing herself.

As long as the girl is not around, she can't sleep well, especially now it's such an eventful autumn.

Qiao Tianchang walks over, picks up the person, sits on the soft couch, this ability puts down the person, lets it lean on own leg, closes the eye to rest.

Ning Mengyao opened his eyes and looked at Qiao Tianchang, but he didn't refuse his kindness. He nestled in his arms and soon fell asleep.

Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao and finally gets a good sleep. He is very happy.

"Look out for Shanger."

"Don't worry, my uncle."

Soon the carriage began to move, and the speed was not slow. Even so, sitting in the carriage, Joe Tianchang did not feel any shock.

On the third day after they left, Xiao Qitian obeyed Xiao Qifeng's orders and once again came to press a house, but when he went there was no one left, and he didn't even know where to leave.

Xiao Qitian looks at no one. Obviously, the house is the trace of cleaning up, with worry and missing in his eyes.

Although it had been predicted that muxue would leave with ningmengyao, Xiao Qi was still lost when he saw the empty yard.

Take a deep breath, turn around and take someone back.

"They have gone." Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng and then said with a low head.

"Gone? Every gate is guarded, and there are many people. How did they leave? Xiao Qifeng didn't believe that those people left under their own eyes.

I still don't know how to get there.