"I don't know. If Ning Mengyao can't even do this, she won't be the boss of tongbaozhai." Xiao Qitian said lightly, without looking at his anger at all.

He only cares about his wife and children now, OK? They are in such a hurry to make their way. Will muxue move? In a word, his heart has never been stable since he came back.

"Search it for me immediately. I want to know how they left here, especially their yard." Xiao Qifeng said gnashing his teeth.

Originally, I wanted to trap them in the capital city and force them to comply, but now it's such a situation that people actually leave.

Xiao Qifeng is very clear that as long as they leave, she wants to catch people back, which is simply more difficult and impossible.

From here, Ning Mengyao will be like a fish returning to the sea, not under anyone's control, plus the movement of tongbaozhai now.

Xiao Qifeng's brow was frowning. Now he had to come up with a way quickly. Not only that, but also find out where the group had gone.

"I'll go now." Xiao Qitian said, gritting his teeth.

Xiao Qifeng looked at the left Xiao Qitian strangely and thought: "bring people here."

He didn't say who he was going to take, but the people who went out seemed to have known for a long time. When they came back, they actually "bathed in snow".

"Have Qi Tian seen you these days?" Asked Xiao Qifeng in a cold voice.

"Mu Xue" gently shook his head: "No."

Xiao Qifeng is very strange in his heart. If it was the former Xiao Qitian, he would ask to see Mu Xue from time to time. But now he not only didn't ask for it, but also his behavior is strange.

Does Xiao Qitian already know that the bathing snow in his hand is fake?

But if he really knew, why would he stay here? When he knew that Ning Mengyao would leave.

"Go down."

"After" muxue "left, Xiao Qifeng has been thinking about this problem:" when king Qi comes back, let him come to see me. "


After Xiao Qitian went to their yard in ningmengyao, he didn't look around, but followed his own feeling to a quiet yard.

Push the door and walk in. As soon as you enter, you can see that there are still some things he is familiar with. Among them are the clothes that Mu Xue wore before she disappeared. That's the pattern he chose for her and then designed. She likes it very much.

If it wasn't because the dress was too bad, she would have taken it with her.

Looking around, I didn't find anything valuable. As soon as I was ready to leave, I was attracted by a corner under the pillow on the bed.

Devilishly went over and took the pillow away. There were several letters under it.

Xiao Qitian endured the excitement in his heart and looked at them one by one. After reading them, his eyes were full of excitement, because in his heart, Mu Xue said that he would be careful, that he would wait for him, that he must go to them, and that he was not allowed to flirt with other women.

In the end, she forgives him for admitting her wrong.

He carefully put several letters in his arms and collected them. Xiao Qitian knew that he would live on them for a long time.

But how did she know that he would be the first to read these letters?

Unable to figure it out, Xiao Qitian didn't think much, just let people look inside and outside the house again, but at last nothing was found.

In this case, Xiao Qitian can only return. As soon as he returns to the palace, the Butler says that the emperor asked him to come back and enter the palace immediately.

Xiao Qi's eyes flashed a trace of impatience and asked him to do something.

After carefully collecting the letter and changing his clothes, Xiao Qitian rode into the palace.

Looking at Xiao Qifeng, Xiao Qifeng asked impatiently, "what do you call me, brother Huang?"

"I thought about it. Let Mu Xue go back to the palace with you. What do you think?" Xiao Qifeng looked at Xiao Qi's eyes full of the color of exploration.

Xiao Qitian is also a person who can pretend. Hearing the news, his smile on his face suddenly widened: "are you telling me the truth?"

"Nature is true."