"Then you call me, and I'll take her back to the palace. Before that, she said she was going to see her grandparents. I don't know if she wants to go now." Xiao Qitian said thoughtfully, as if he really just wanted to meet his wife's requirements.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Xiao Qitian for a long time, and saw that his expression was not like that he was faking. He was puzzled. Then he said with a smile, "let's talk about this later."

Xiao Qi sneers in his heart, and he guesses it will be like this, but the play will go on.

"Brother Huang said that Xueer would go back with me? Now why do you repent? " Xiao Qitian frowned and looked at Xiao Qifeng discontentedly.

Xiao Qifeng smiled: "it's an eventful autumn. You can't take care of her when she goes back. It's better to stay in the palace. After all, there are many people in the palace and they are safe."

Xiao Qi sneers in the heart of the heaven. He doesn't want to let people talk directly. Is it necessary to use such a high sounding one?

"Brother Huang really thinks about me for brother Huang."

"Qi Tian is joking. Let's talk about ningmengyao and their affairs first. Go to search. What's the result?" Xiao Qifeng hurriedly changed the topic. It's better not to talk about Mu Xue.

Xiao Qitian is not a fool, saying more will expose them.

He wants Xiao Qitian to be exposed, and why doesn't Xiao Qitian want him to be exposed?

"There is no gain, no secret way." In fact, Xiao Qi's heart is also very strange. How did they leave.

Now four directions and gates in the southeast, northwest and north of the capital are guarded by heavy soldiers, but they have not found the secret way. How did they leave the capital without disturbing all the soldiers.

"Have you searched carefully?" Xiao Qifeng asked a little surprised.

"If you don't believe it, you can go and have a look yourself." Xiao Qitian naturally heard the distrust in Xiao Qifeng's words and said with a sneer.

"I don't mean that. Anyway, you should pay attention." The smile on Xiao Qifeng's face remained the same, and his attitude towards Xiao Qitian was as if nothing had happened before.

But Xiao Qitian can't do the same to him.

"If you have nothing to say, brother Huang, I will go back first." Xiao Qitian stood up and didn't want to stay here at all.

Xiao Qifeng frowned and looked at Xiao Qitian: "we are still brothers."

"We're brothers, right, but we can't go back to the past. You've changed. You've changed. You've even hurt your own brother. You've changed. You've even threatened your own brother." Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng's self mockery and said.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Xiao Qitian, but he didn't refute his accusation. He just looked at him in silence and finally waved: "you can go if you want."

Xiao Qifeng's voice is full of fatigue. Watching Xiao Qitian leave, Xiao Qifeng's shoulders are broken down.

"Are you all right, emperor?" The eunuch on the side looked at Xiao Qifeng like this and asked with one knee.

"I'm fine."

"Why do you keep it from the Lord? Isn't it better to tell the Lord? " If it had been said before, general Qiao and his wife would have helped, and the emperor would not have to carry all these things alone.

Xiao Qifeng shook his head and said with a light smile, "that's good."

It only needs him to deal with it alone. As for Xiao Qitian and Qiao Tianchang, they can maintain their current life.

Nanzhuang looks at Xiao Qifeng like this, and thinks that the Lord is not alienated from the emperor now, and the title has changed from a close brother to an alienated brother.

Although the emperor doesn't seem to have any differences, Nanzhuang, who has served him for so many years, can naturally see that although the Emperor didn't say it, he must be uncomfortable.

When Xiao Qitian returned to the palace, he threw himself on the bed and thought about Xiao Qifeng's words. His eyes were full of satire and ridicule.

It's too late for him to come and make up?

On the carriage, Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao: "how long will it take to get there?" They have been in the carriage for several days. If they continue like this, the bones must be broken.