Song Yan kept shaking her head. She couldn't accept the result: "no, you are cheating me. Let's go back. Now go back." Then he grabbed Maureen and turned to leave.

Maureen shook off song Yan's hand and frowned at her: "what I said is not clear enough? Don't embarrass yourself too much. Remember you're a woman. "

A woman is so shameless that she will only be looked down upon by others.

Song Yan's expectation was broken by Maureen at this moment. She looked at Maureen dead and said, "you want to say I don't want to face, right?"

"I have never given you any promise or agreed to our marriage." Mo Lin looked at Song Yan and said.

The smile on Song Yan's face can't be maintained at last. She looks at Maureen fiercely, and finally raises her hand uncontrollably and throws it on Maureen's face: "Maureen, you bastard."

She has been chasing mollin's side and flattering his elders all these years. The purpose is to become the young lady of mollin's family and his wife. But now mollin tells her that he has never liked her. Is there anything more ridiculous?

Maureen reached out his hand and stroked his cheek. A cold smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "Song Yan's slap is what I owe you. Don't appear in front of me again from now on. Let's go."

Seeing the Maureen belt leave, song Yan crouches on the ground with her face covered and starts to cry. Her voice is a bit heartrending. Finally, she is found by the Song family, so she is taken back.

After Song Yan was taken away by the Song family, Mo Lin once again appeared at the gate of Qiao Tianchang's villa.

The closed gate of the villa was opened from inside at this moment by Jiang Quan.

"Master Mo, please come in."

After Jiang Quan closed the door, Mo Lin frowned and said, "where are they?"

"The old slave can't tell you, but the young lady left a message. She asked me to tell young master Mo that the world is not in a mess. The young lady said that according to the wisdom of young master Mo, she should be able to understand the meaning of what she said. As for how young master Mo will go in the future, it depends on how you want to live." Some of Jiang Quan's words are not true to his horse's mouth, which makes people incomprehensible. However, Molin understood them. Only because of what Ning Mengyao said, it was his idea.

Now that he has made up his mind to stay, he will take advantage of this time and let himself have the capital to stand in this place.

"I see. Thank you, uncle Jiang. I know how to do it. This is Molin's problem." Maureen said with a polite smile.

"Young master Mo is very polite. In addition, this is what the young lady prepared for him. She said it was an investment." Say to take out a palm big brocade box.

Maureen accidentally picked the eyebrows. As a result, the brocade box opened. It turned out that there were boxes of silver tickets, all of which were large ones. That's what he needs now.

"Thank you, uncle Jiang. I'll go first." Maureen hands the brocade box to Chong, and asks him to put it away. They turn around and leave.

Jiang Quan stood in the yard, watching the two people leave, and watching the door close, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, miss did not see the wrong person.

Although ningmengyao is now a pregnant woman, she still has to do many things, but every time the time is long, Qiao Tianchang will be like a long tongued woman, constantly nagging on the edge, making ningmengyao never tire of it.

Now, after a busy hour, Qiao Tianchang has come over: "Yao Yao, it's time for you to have a rest."

"Joe Tianchang, I find that you are becoming more and more mother-in-law now." Ning Mengyao said angrily.

"If you remember your time off, I'm not sure." Qiao Tianchang said solemnly.

Yufeng and his wife sat opposite with their son in their arms and looked at the interesting scene: "I said Xiaoyao, how can you beat your man? I have to say that I admire you for making him look like this from a silent man. "

Ningmengyao grabs her hair and stares at Yufeng. Her brother-in-law is just gloating.