Ningmengyao didn't mean to do it, but she once dealt with a little bit of things before, and then she was a little uncomfortable. After that, Qiao Tianchang stared at her every day. After a long time, she began to nag and didn't say anything important. She kept talking on the edge. She couldn't do anything. Then she put down the things at hand, which stopped nagging.

This kind of Qiao Tianchang makes ningmengyao wonder if she's scared to make Qiao Tianchang like this.

"By the way, Yao'er, they will arrive in the morning. How about bathing in snow?" Mei Ruolin teases her son and asks Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao's action in her hand, and then she said lightly, "she's at her place."

"Are you still angry?" As for what happened between them, on the day they arrived, they knew about the wind.

Meiruolin looks at ningmengyao like this, but she doesn't want to have a bad taste. Ningmengyao and muxue have changed from good sisters to strangers.

Ningmengyao looked at the front and said lightly: "in fact, it's not angry, but there's no way to let go. I can understand it, but I can't accept it."

"Xiaoyao, you..."

"Brother in law, don't tell me more. I know what to do." When Yu Feng frowned to persuade, he was interrupted by Ning Mengyao. Seeing her like that, he obviously didn't want to continue to talk about this topic.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao in silence. This matter has a lot to do with him. But seeing him like this, he feels very bad.

"Yao Yao......"

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Ning Mengyao smiles at Qiao Tianchang, and obviously doesn't want him to go on.

Mei Ruolin saw that Ning Mengyao was like this, so she had no choice but to open her mouth: "let's solve the problems between you two, but what are you going to do here?"

Can't they stay here all the time?

Ningmengyao's face was smiling: "after tongbaozhai's evacuation, the people on the west coast were very noisy. Before, they were able to exclude foreigners together, but now their own people are noisy, which is very beneficial to us."

They used to be in the open, and people on the west coast could easily find them, but now they are not the same. In the dark, they can know every move of those people, but they can't know their movements, which brings them a lot of convenience.

Mei Ruolin looked at Ning Mengyao like that, and couldn't help shrinking her neck: "Yao'er, you are so terrible."

"Yao Yao means to be the Yellow finch behind the mantis."

"Yes, but it's only half. In fact, the most important purpose is to use the people on the west coast to reshuffle the place. It's only good for us but not bad."

When those people on the West Coast didn't come, the continent still maintained a superficial balance and didn't want to give a hand to others. But when those people came, everything changed. Even some small families jumped up. She didn't like this kind of chaos.

So shuffling is inevitable and necessary.

"You're right." Qiao Tianchang is not a fool. If you think about it a little, you will understand the meaning of Ning Mengyao.

When the four men were talking, Qingxuan came in and said that Muchen and situ Xuan had arrived.

The arrival of the two thought that several giants of tongbaozhai had gathered together, and Ning Mengyao also asked Qingshuang to call muxue for the first time.

When she saw her brother and sister-in-law, muxue's face was slightly sad, and the eyes of Ning Mengyao were speechless.

"Is Xueer OK?" Mu Chen looks at Mu Xue who has lost a lot of weight and frowns anxiously.

Mu Xue smiles and shakes her head: "don't worry, brother, I'm ok. Isn't that good?"

"I know about Xiao Qitian. Whether you can meet or not in the future, the latter says that you should support yourself if you can be together or not." Only in this way can she make them completely relieved, instead of thinking about her in the future.

Muxue pressed her lips tightly and nodded after a long time: "I know what you said, I'm just worried about his safety."

"That kid is clever, still need you to worry?"