Situ Xuan went to Mu Xue's side and took her hand, smiled and said: "Xueer, don't worry, brother Qi Tian is a very smooth and smart man, he will be OK."

"Well, I believe."

After comforting muxue, several people began to discuss this time, especially about Xiao Qifeng.

They didn't expect the change of Xiao Qifeng. They didn't even think that Xiao Qifeng was from the west coast. They didn't even think about the result.

"I always feel something is wrong." Ning Mengyao thinks about Xiao Qifeng's affairs carefully. Although there is something wrong with her, she can't say exactly what's wrong.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "I think so too. I always think he said something that day Far fetched. "

Yes, it's far fetched. Although Xiao Qifeng's words are very reasonable, his martial arts are not so good. At that time, the reason why he said that Xiao Qifeng hurt him was actually just a test, but he didn't expect that he would admit it so much. If he admitted it, it didn't count. He even exposed other things.

If it was him, he would try his best to hide himself, rather than expose himself like this, but what is Xiao Qifeng's purpose?

He would only let them guard against him, guard against him, and at the same time put himself in the open, which was not good for him at all.

"Tianchang is right. I always think Xiao Qifeng is strange. According to the common people's thinking, his identity should be hidden as much as he can, but why should he expose himself? And still in that case. " The things she investigated, now I think, are too easy to get. They are easy to get, or even sent to me by others.

But who will deliver these things to her? What's the purpose? Is it to break through Xiao Qifeng?

No, it shouldn't be. Ning Mengyao's eyebrows are wrinkled again.

Yufeng and qiaotianchang look at each other with their eyebrows locked: "these things are what we have to consider, but have you ever thought about other things?"


"Now the mess, those people come, how to let them leave."

Ning Mengyao sneered and said, "how can I leave? It's natural that they can't get what they want, and then they can't stay in this place. "

If they can't stay here, they will leave. After they leave this time, it's not so easy for them to come here.

Muchen looks at ningmengyao: "what are you going to do?"

"Now is not the time." If we do it now, aren't the shops outside closed for nothing?

It's just in the beginning, it won't work. Now all they can do is wait.

"Nangong Yan and what else can Xiao Luoyan find?" Qiao Tianchang's eyes suddenly turned cold, obviously he had a lot of opinions on these two people.

Ningmengyao shook her head: "no, I had some news before, but I'm still searching."

"Well, is there any news from Miao area?" Now the key is what's on the other side of Miao.

If the things there appear in front of those people, there will be a big problem.

"There's white ink over there. There won't be a big problem." It seems that the forces in Miao area are more complicated than those in the Central Plains. In fact, they are much simpler. The place is not big and the dispute is not very big. They are all thinking about the control of white ink. She is very relieved. But Xiao is in good health now. I heard that she always wants to come back from Miao area.

Qiao Tianchang nodded helplessly: "it seems that we can only wait now."

Xiao Luoyan looked coldly at Nangong Yan in front of him: "look at what you have done. Now it's OK. They are so defensive against us, and they are still looking for it. It's all your trouble."

Nangong Yan looks at Xiao Luoyan, who is scolding all the time, and suddenly smiles: "what did I provoke? Who on earth provoked this? Would you please make it clear? " Nangong Yan's eyes at Xiao Luoyan are cold. The piercing eyes let Xiao Luoyan's air be suppressed.