Yang Lele didn't understand Qiao moshang's meaning, but Ning Mengyao, as his mother, understood it. His meaning was that Yang Lele's son was not his younger brother, and the child in Ning Mengyao's belly was his younger brother.

"Shanger is really smart, so you know that you have a younger brother in your stomach?" Yang Lele didn't get angry. Instead, he looked at Qiao moshang in surprise. How could he know these things?

In fact, Ning Mengyao doesn't know. Only when Qiao moshang's intelligence is better than that of ordinary children, but what Ning Mengyao doesn't know is that in the future, Qiao moshang will give her full insight into what is talent.

"Are you OK Yao Yao?" Yang Lele looked at Ning Mengyao with some uncertainty and asked.

Ning Mengyao was shocked, then shook his head: "I'm ok, don't worry about me."

"Really? I don't think you look good at all. You've lost a lot of weight. You're still pregnant with children. You have to have a good rest. If you have anything to do, let brother Qiao do it. Don't do it yourself. " Yang Lele looked at Ning Mengyao's ugly face, frowned and began to talk.

Ningmengyao not only did not feel impatient, but also felt warm in her heart.

"I know, Tianchang is watching me now." As long as she does not rest for a long time, she will be forced to rest, so that she has no chance to protest.

Yang Lele nodded contentedly: "so I can rest assured."

"Little Yao'er, I don't want to call us to chat with little girl." The voice of the wind came in from outside.

Ningmengyao subconsciously turned to look at the past, did not see Mu Xue, which is to let her heart relax.

"Brother Yufeng, sister Mei, you are here." Yang Lele was very happy to see several people, and hurriedly said hello.

"How is the little girl doing here?" Yufeng smiles at Yang Lele.

"It's good here." No matter what it is, it's very good. To be honest, she likes it very much.

"Just like it."

Several people chatted for a while. After thunder fell asleep, Yang Lele took her back and left several people in the living room.

"There's news from Xiao Luoyan, Yao's son." Muchen said after Yang Lele left.

"Well? What's up? "

"It seems that there is a dispute between him and Xiao Qifeng. As for the content, there is no way to know for the time being, but what we can guess is that Xiao Qifeng did something that Xiao Luoyan knew." Xiao Luoyan's people have been caught by Xiao Qifeng, but they haven't returned yet. As for whether they are still alive, it's really unclear.

Ningmengyao looks at Muchen unexpectedly: "is the news accurate?"

"Of course, after Xiao Qitian went back from the palace, he was a little lost, as if he knew something." Said Muchen, squinting.

Ningmengyao holds her chin with one hand, and she guesses something in her heart that can make xiaoqitian lose his soul. I'm afraid that's what xiaoqifeng did.

"It seems that it's almost what we think. Xiao Qifeng did it for a purpose. Maybe one of them is to force me to do it." Although ningmengyao can't know xiaoqifeng very well, she knows something about it. She can make him do such a thing. Besides this, she really can't think of anything else.

"What do you mean? He did it to provoke you? " Muchen was a little surprised.

To know that Xiao Qifeng is the emperor of a country, he should be very clear about the consequences of this, but he did it, should he say that Xiao Qifeng's courage is too big?

Ning Mengyao nodded, "I can't think of anything else but this."

Muchen squinted and thought. When he was about to open his mouth, Yu Feng on the side suddenly said, "shuffle."

"It seems that our ideas are the same. The forces planted here on the west coast are too complex. It's too slow and troublesome to eradicate one by one. Even if we do it at last, it will cost him a lot." Muchen nodded and said.

"It's not the same to enrage Yao'er. If Yao'er is enraged, tongbaozhai will move all over, and the place will be in chaos. As long as Xiao Qifeng can control the affairs in his territory, he will be the biggest winner in the end." Meiruolin said after Muchen.