Yufeng nodded: "yes, he knew the feelings of Tianchang and Yao'er, so he designed to make Tianchang seriously injured, and finally exposed it in front of Yao'er, so as to provoke Xiao Yao'er."

"You all guessed." Qiao Tianchang's voice came in from the outside.

Yufeng several people's sight put on Qiao Tianchang's body: "Tianchang you mean?"

"He just wanted to use Yao Yao to reshuffle the mainland, use tongbaozhai to uproot the power of the West Coast here, and weaken the power of tongbaozhai at the same time." The power of tongbaozhai is too powerful, which is not good for anyone in a high position.

Yufeng smiled sarcastically: "weaken the power of tongbaozhai? He dare to think. "

The power of tongbaozhai is beyond Xiao Qifeng's imagination.

To be arrogant, as long as Ning Mengyao thinks, the land has already changed. Why does she have to live in a small mountain village.

"Before that, not only them, but also I don't know how strong tongbaozhai is. On the face of it, tongbaozhai controls nearly half of the power of this continent, or even doesn't have it." This is what they know.

That's why he made such a decision.

If tongbaozhai's strength is not so strong, maybe Xiao Qifeng's plan is to kill two birds with one stone, and he will do it very easily, but he despises tongbaozhai.

Yufeng couldn't help laughing: "xiaoyao'er, it seems that your idea is right." At the beginning, when tongbaozhai was on its peak, everyone felt that they should let everyone have a look, and then they could not peep at tongbaozhai.

But in a word, Ning Mengyao gave up their mind and hid nearly half of the forces in tongbaozhai, which seems to be beneficial now.

At least be able to deceive some, bad people.

"Ning Mengyao white Yufeng a look:" tongbaozhai really also should be a good clean up

"Xiaoyao, have you decided?" Yu Feng's expression suddenly became serious.

Ning Mengyao nodded: "tongbaozhai's foreign trade is too huge and its staff is too complicated. Many things happen when we don't know. Take this opportunity to clean up tongbaozhai." Ningmengyao's light mouth seemed to be saying that the weather is very good today.

Yu Feng chuckled coldly: "although on the surface our strength is indeed weak, in fact, it has increased more than a little."

Without those who will stab at you at any time, they are still sure to make tongbaozhai more powerful.

Meiruolin also nodded naturally: "it's time to clean up those mice."

"Take a look at muxue." Qiao Tianchang suddenly opens his mouth.

"Why?" Several people's line of sight at the same time put Qiao Tianchang's body, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, as if some unhappy.

Qiao Tianchang knew that if he said such a thing, it would be the act of slapping.

"Because Yao Yao's affairs are actually angry with her in your heart, including Mu Chen. What kind of attitude would you take if it were you? If you say I'm more concerned, I can do anything else. " Qiao Tianchang doesn't think he thinks too much. Muxue has changed now, which is different from the original.

Muchen doesn't want to admit it, but it has to be said that Qiao Tianchang is right. Xueer has changed.

"I'll take care of it." Muchen looks at Qiao Tianchang and opens her mouth.


Because of this topic, the mood of the people was not very high. Muchen stayed for a while and left. The rest of them, situ Xuan said first: "do you think Muchen will really betray us?"

Muxue knows everything about tongbaozhai. If she wants to poke a knife, they will be defenseless.

"I don't know."

Meiruolin frowned: "whether it will or not, Tianchang's worry is not unreasonable. Muxue is not the muxue we know."

"But sister Mei, is it only for a while that she hasn't thought about it?" In any case, situ Xuan didn't want to believe that Mu Xue would.

"Take a close look at the snow bath and you will see."