After Xiao Qitian left the palace, he went back to the palace and took Mu Xue around. Finally, the servant said that Xiao Qifeng had arrived at the palace.

In the face of such a result, Xiao Qifeng has known for a long time, but he still has some astringent affliction in his heart. Does he not believe his words? I even came to see it myself.

"Cher, let's go back." Xiao Qitian looks down at the snow beside him, with a thick pet in his eyes.


When they went back, Xiao Qifeng had been drinking tea for a long time. Seeing Xiao Qifeng, Mu Xue said with a smile, "big brother."

Xiao Qifeng's eyes narrowed slightly, which is what Xiao Qitian said he forgot?

"Xueer, why didn't Mengyao come back with you?" Xiao Qifeng smiled with a gentle face, which was no different from her appearance.

Muxue wrinkled, eyes with confusion and questions: "elder brother, who are you talking about this Mengyao and what they are referring to? It's a familiar name. I seem to have heard it somewhere, but But I can't remember. " Mu Xue reaches out and hammers her head.

Xiao Qifeng thought that Xiao Qitian had cheated him. With such an excuse, he thought about not letting Mu Xue contact him and talking about tongbaozhai.

Can now see Mu Xue this way, Xiao Qifeng suddenly believed Xiao Qitian's words, it seems that Mu Xue really forgot all things in tongbaozhai, including people.

"Do you know Mu Chen?"

"Yes, that's my brother."

"What about others?"

Mu Xue thought about it, smiled and said, "my brother must be at home. He won't come here."

"Where is your home?"

"Wind country."

Xiao Qifeng asked a few more questions, but they were all the same as Xiao Qitian said. Except for their brothers and muxue's family, she remembered, but she didn't remember about tongbaozhai. As long as she said tongbaozhai, she would be very sad and beat her head constantly.

"Have you asked enough? Do you think she's just pretending? " Xiao Qitian hugs Mu Xue tightly in his arms and looks at Xiao Qifeng coldly.

These questions, no matter what, can prove that Mu Xue really forgot all things.

But Xiao Qifeng didn't give up. He asked a question. At last, he couldn't bear to bathe in snow. He kept shouting for headache and beating himself on the head.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Xiao Qitian and said, "I don't mean that. I just want to find out."

"Do you know now? If you find out, please leave. " Xiao Qitian doesn't even want to call his brother Xiao Qifeng now. It's insulting to call him brother.

Xiao Qifeng sighed and looked at Xiao Qitian: "you will understand my intention one day."

"What do you mean? Don't you want to weaken the power of tongbaozhai at this time? Is it interesting to say so grandly? " Xiao Qitian looks at Xiao Qifeng ironically, but he really can't see his present style.

This is the first time that Xiao Qifeng has been satirized like this. There is something wrong with him.

"Qi Tian, how do you speak? That's how you talk to your brother? "

"Is it your brother-in-law's duty to force his sister-in-law to look like this?" Xiao Qitian glanced at Xiao Qifeng sarcastically: "don't make excuses for your selfishness and ambition, I will also be the victim under your power."

In the face of Xiao Qitian's satire, Xiao Qifeng feels like he has nothing to hide, which makes him can't wait to escape.

Xiao Qitian takes Mu Xue back to her room, puts her person on the bed carefully, reaches out and arranges her scattered hair in front of her forehead: "would you dislike me if I didn't have the identity of Lord Xueer in the future?"

"Of course not. We are husband and wife." Mu Xue suffered a lot and smiled at Xiao Qitian.

Xiao Qitian was stunned at first, then laughed: "you are right, we are husband and wife."