Although muxue has forgotten many things, in Xiao Qitian's eyes, she is still the gentle and kind wife. She will wait for him in the room when he is busy, make clothes for him one by one, and do many things.

Often think of these things, no matter how tired Xiao Qitian will feel warm in his heart.

It was like this before muxue didn't come back. Now it's even more like this when people come back. Every time they touch her stomach and feel the movement of the children inside, he can laugh like a child.

"But Qi Tian, why do you want to ask me about those things? And didn't he know his brother? Why did you come here and ask me today? " Mu Xue suddenly thought of it. She looked at Xiao Qitian with a puzzled eyes and asked mistily.

Xiao Qitian was stunned, with a soft and doting smile on his face: "you don't want to think so much, as long as you take good care of your body, maybe big brother wants to find him for something."

Mu Xue nodded clearly: "so it is."

Muchen stayed in the capital for a while, and saw that the relationship between Muchen and xiaoqitian was as good as ever, and even xiaoqitian was better for her, but she was relieved a lot, and then left the capital.

"How is it?"

"As you think, Xiao Qifeng can't wait to see Xueer when Xueer returns." After Muchen returned to tongbaozhai, he got together with Yufeng and said with a sneer.

Ning Mengyao raised her head from Qiao Tianchang's arms and shook her head to make herself sober: "his purpose is too strong, I'm afraid Xiao Qitian can't stand it."

They were silent and did not speak, but the expression on their faces showed everything.

"The relationship between the two brothers can only maintain the apparent harmony now." Although Xiao Qitian looks cynical, he is not that kind of stupid person. In this case, he should be able to understand his situation.

"It's true that this child came at a bad time. He should have gone to see Miao Jiang." Ning Mengyao looked down at her belly and said helplessly.

If she had not been pregnant in this bony eye, she would have arrived in miaojiang by now, instead of staying here.

Qiao Tianchang is discontented and waits for Ning Mengyao: "Yao'er, are you hating our children?"

"No, I just sigh. After all, this time is really not suitable for pregnancy." Ningmengyao shakes her head quickly. She doesn't mean to be disgusted. There are two stinky kids in her family. She wants a soft and cute daughter.

Qiao Tianchang didn't open his mouth, but he thought Ning Mengyao was right. It's not a good behavior to be pregnant at this time.

"In this case, Xuanxuan and I will take a look at them." Muchen thought about it and looked at Ning Mengyao and said.

"Here If not, take Qinghuai with you. I'll write a letter. Then he will take you to find uncle Ren. " Ning Mengyao thought about it and nodded.

"I'll go with you." Then the wind said.

"Brother in law?"

"I'm not sure if I can get rid of those guys quickly." Yufeng chuckled coldly. Those guys are so powerful in their territory that they can bear it in a short time. If it's a long time, he can't stand it.

Ningmengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and Yufeng again, and there was a little hesitation in her eyes.

Seeing her expression in her eyes, Joe Tianchang reached out to point her head: "do you want to go too?"

"Well, the Miao area is too calm." It was because she was too calm that she was not at ease.

Uncle Ren didn't get any news back, not even Baimo. If one side didn't get any news, she wouldn't feel anything. But now the news on both sides is broken, which is a little strange.

Qiao Tianchang sighed helplessly: "since then, I'll go with you, but take good care of myself."

If you can, Qiao Tianchang doesn't want Ning Mengyao to go on a long journey, but if she really stays here, she will be relieved. In this case, it's better to let her go.