Ningmengyao's eyes are full of surprises. It seems that he can't believe that Qiao Tianchang is really willing to let himself go?

This can't be blamed that Ning Mengyao doesn't believe it, but because Qiao Tianchang's performance after her pregnancy is called tension. He has to look at everything. Even if it doesn't last too long, he will look at her with a reproachful look as long as it lasts.

It's amazing that Joe Tianchang agreed to let her go.

"It seems that Xiao Yao'er has been managed so tightly recently that she can go even when she hears it. It's this expression." Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao's unbelievable appearance and laughs.

Ning Mengyao is angry and glares at Yu Feng. Then she looks at Mei Ruolin: "sister Mei, can you help me take care of the little monkey and their brother together, and feng'er can also help take the little monkey with you." They can't take the two children away this time. This is the safest place for them, and it's just the time for Merlin to take her own children.

"Well, I'll take care of it."

Ningmengyao nodded and went to the yard with Qiao Tianchang. Where Qiao mofeng was studying for Qiao moshang, and he was leaning his head and listening carefully.

The serious look with a small face on his back made Ning Mengyao laugh uncontrollably. Can this boy understand? I still listen so seriously.

"Feng'er, I'm going out with your father. I can't take you and little monkey this time. You're here. Follow Aunt Mei." Ningmengyao looked at Qiao mofeng put down the book and said, as for the little monkey in his arms, she was directly ignored, and this little thing didn't need to know.

Qiao mofeng was silent for a while, then nodded. He knew that if he couldn't take them with him, Ning Mengyao would not let them stay. Moreover, seeing his father's face, he knew that it was very important for them to ask for things to be done this time.

"Mom, you're all right?" But he remembered that his mother was pregnant, and just three months ago. Is it really OK to go out at this time?

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded: "Niang is OK. Your father is here." With Qiao Tianchang, even if she wants something, it's impossible.

This guy sees her dead every day. She has to think about everything she wants to do.

"Then I'll be relieved, but you should pay attention to your safety. My brother and I are here waiting for you to come back." Joe mofeng is not that kind of ignorant child. After getting the answer he wants, he is not tangled in this matter.

He reached out and rubbed Joe mofeng's head: "OK, we will come back as soon as possible, don't worry."

"Niang hug." Jomo Shang didn't seem to understand what they were talking about. He just opened his hands to hug them.

Ning Mengyao helplessly reaches out his hand and holds the man in his arms. He looks down at him: "little monkey should listen to his brother's words at home, do you know?"

"Be obedient."

"It's lovely. When my parents come back, I will bring delicious food to the little monkey, OK?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao moshang's little face, which is still a little ignorant. She blames herself in her eyes. The child has been running around with them for several months, and finally something happens.


After explaining the matter, Ning Mengyao and his party left quickly, but at the request of Yufeng and Qiao Tianchang, Ning Mengyao naturally took the carriage.

After a half month's hard work, the group finally arrived in Miao area.

When they entered the Miao area, they felt that the atmosphere in this area had changed. When they walked in the city, the atmosphere was serious, just like when someone would come out of the corner to make a surprise attack.

Ningmengyao frowned slightly and whispered with Qiao Tianchang on the edge, "it seems that something really happened here."

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "I don't know what happened to them, uncle Ren."

This is just a remote town in the Miao area. If you come to the capital of the Miao area, what will it look like? Joe Tianchang dare not even think about it.

"Let's go separately." There are a little more of them. If they get together, they will be more easily discovered.

"It's OK. I'll go to find the people here with Muchen. Be careful yourself."