"You should be careful, brother-in-law. No matter what happens, you should take your own safety as the priority." It's not that Ning Mengyao doesn't believe them, but that the current situation of Miao Jiang seems really not very good, which makes her and Ben have no way to let go.

"Don't worry about us. We are so grown-up that we know what to do." Although it is said that, Yufeng is very satisfied with ningmengyao's relationship.

A group of people separated in this place. After Ning Mengyao and his wife watched them leave, they took them to the capital together.

When several people arrived at the capital, they found that there were more guards in the capital now, and people didn't look like Miao people.

Ningmengyao and his wife took Qinghuai away carefully: "it seems that we should be careful. Qinghuai, go to find out what happened in Miao."

Qinghuai several people nodded and soon left. In the evening, they went to the place they had agreed with ningmengyao.

"Miss is in great trouble now. The national division of Miao is missing. At the same time, there is a woman with him. Not only that, but even uncle Ren is in great trouble." Qinghuai's eyes are full of worries. In their eyes, Xiao Ren is their father. He trained them to become talents. Now he doesn't know what to do.

Ningmengyao's heart is thumping. Something really happened, mother.

"Do you know what's going on? How could the national teacher of Miao be missing? " Ningmengyao still doesn't understand. After all, the means of white ink is not bad, but now people are gone, even their mother doesn't know where to go, which is unacceptable to ningmengyao.

Qinghuai nodded: "this matter has something to do with Uncle Ren. Uncle Ren's grandson betrayed us." When it comes to this, Qinghuai's eyes are full of haze. That damned guy, sooner or later, will let him know how to write dead words.

"You mean Xiao Ming?" Ningmengyao thought carefully, the name appeared in his mind.

It should be noted that when she met his grandson in Renshu, he was not a good person.

Qinghuai nodded: "because of the things before we left, Xiao Ming had a grudge against uncle Ren, so after those people on the West Coast appeared in miaojiang, their father and son found each other, betrayed uncle Ren, and even told all the things in Houshan to the opposite side." Qinghuai said with an iron face.

Ningmengyao frowned and then looked at Qinghuai. "No, Xiao Ming has never been there at all. How does he know what's in it?"

Qinghuai was silent for a moment, then said helplessly, "it's because our three sisters, Xiao ran, told Xiao Ming what happened there." Thinking of Xiaoran, Qinghuai had no love for her.

A person who puts their life on the bright side has lost the chance to be loved by them.

Ningmengyao looks at Qinghuai with a ugly face: "you mean your people betrayed you?"

"Yes, she secretly left the family, met Xiao Ming, and fell in love with Xiao Ming." Later, Qinghuai didn't say anything.

Ningmengyao is also a woman. Naturally, she knows the meaning of Qinghuai. A woman who is confused by love can do anything.

"I know, but what does it have to do with them?" Some of Ning Mengyao didn't find out. What's the connection between Xiao Ming's betrayal and Bai Mo's disappearance?

"If you want to act recklessly in the Miao area, you can only get the highest right here, and white ink will naturally become the target." Baimo is the national teacher of Miao, who controls two-thirds of the forces in Miao. The first thing they want to do is to find Baimo.

As long as you can get rid of the white ink, the rest will be easy to do.

Ningmengyao took a deep breath: "I know, let's leave here and go back to the clan first."


A group of people left quietly as they came. They wanted to return to the family unconsciously, but an accident exposed their whereabouts instead.