Ningmengyao and his wife took Qinghuai to the place where they found the secret road. They had planned to take a rest and leave.

But as soon as I entered the restaurant, I saw a very familiar person, and that person was the one they had said before, that is Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming was also shocked when he saw ningmengyao. Then he smiled bitterly and stopped in front of ningmengyao with a man: "Oh, who should I be, I am the miss of my lost dog grandfather."

Ningmengyao's eyes are cold. She can forgive Xiao Ming's betrayal, but she can't forgive Xiao Ming for saying his grandfather in such a tone and attitude.

"Qinghuai is in charge. He can't speak." Ning Mengyao said fiercely.


When Xiao Ming said bad things about Xiao Ren, Qinghuai wanted to start. It was just because Ning Mengyao didn't dare to do anything in front of him, but it's different now, but what the lady ordered.

He smiled bitterly and walked to Xiao Ming with Qingliu and Qingxuan. When Xiao Ming was about to speak, he punched him in the face and a white tooth flew out.

Ning Mengyao looked at the tooth on the ground and smiled softly: "Qinghuai, tell me about you, how can you treat uncle Ren's grandson like this? If it breaks people or scares guests, it's our fault. Let's go and find a place to talk about life with him. "

"Miss is our oversight." Qinghuai's reaction came back, Ning Mengyao's meaning, grabbed Xiao Ming's collar and dragged it out.

As soon as Xiao Ming's servant saw that his young master had been taken away, he immediately began to fight. Before he was near the Qinghuai River, he had been kicked out by the Qingxuan two.

Ning Mengyao looks at the dog leg that has fallen to the ground, the corner of his mouth draws up an evil smile, and suddenly takes out a silver note in his hand: "today, I'm sorry to bring inconvenience to you. I'll take this meal. Let's go." Put the silver note on the counter. Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang.

"OK, let's go."

After they left, the people who ate in the tavern were relieved. The atmosphere was terrible just now.

But it seems that the person who was beaten is the eldest young master of the Xiao family, isn't it? Who is this woman? Why do you say that he is the servant of her family?

If you don't understand, there won't really be a few people who will go deep into this issue.

Xiao Ming looks at Ning Mengyao, who is walking towards him step by step. He steps back subconsciously, swallows his saliva secretly and asks nervously, "you What do you want to do? "

"Your mouth stinks, so I'm going to wash it for you." Ningmengyao went to Xiao Ming's face and said it was very light.

As soon as Xiao Ming's face changed, he knew that he could not escape today, so he glared at Ning Mengyao fiercely, even with threats and Madness on his face: "what do you think you are? Do you know who I am and dare to do that to me? "

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Ming up and down for a while, then says, "who you are is not important to me. What's important is that you have brought us a lot of trouble, so today you must Death. "

Xiao Ming's face turned pale with fear of death. Since they flattered that group of people, their position in Miao area has been constantly rising. In just over two months, their family has been one of the top families in Miao area, which are brought by those people.

"You If you dare to kill me, those people will not let you go. " Xiao Ming's stiff neck threatened.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Ming and smiles coldly: "are you really noisy? Are you really a character? Do you think you have the information they want, so they have to protect you? "

Xiao Ming was silent and didn't speak, and this attitude just acquiesced to Ning Mengyao's words.

"What is Qinghuai waiting for? Let's do it. I'll see if those people will really deal with me for you who have no effect. " Ning Mengyao smiled coldly.

Xiao Ming's face changed. He didn't even pretend to be calm.