"I know. We'll get into the family from the secret road at once." If it's not exposed now, they can go through the passage, but now they can only go through the secret passage that takes a lot of time.

"Yes, we need to see how they are now. Are they OK?" Before seeing the man, he was not worried, but after seeing the man, he was worried.

Such a man, he does not think that there are few able people and different people in his hand, so that person may be determined to get into the family, only sooner or later.

They can still help Uncle Ren in the past.

"You're right. Let's go."

"You're ok?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's eyebrows tightly frowning, and regrets that she has come together.

As soon as Ning Mengyao saw Qiao Tianchang's appearance, he knew what he was thinking in his heart: "it's useless for you to regret now, but you can rest assured that I'm very good. There's nothing uncomfortable."

"Then I'll rest assured."

"Go to find it immediately. Dig the earth for three feet and find out the people. And white ink will continue to find them." When the man went back, his face was very ugly.

Just before, he was not angry. But on the way back, he found that there was more than one kind of poison given by Ning Mengyao. Another kind of poison broke out after the detoxification on the face, and it was the last kind of aphrodisiac.

If it's a common aphrodisiac, he can force it out directly. But it can't be forced by internal force, let alone soaked in cold water. It can only be solved by finding a woman.

The result turned the man blue.

It's more painful for him to touch those dirty women than to give him some more poisons.

In the end, he was born in a tub full of ice for several hours, and the effect was over.

Is this just to find people? He can't swallow it.


"Tianchang, do you think that man is angry to kill me now?" When Ning Mengyao was walking in the secret Road, he laughed at Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang also looked at her helplessly. He didn't expect that Ning Mengyao even gave her some aphrodisiac, which was developed by Qingshuang.

Or find a woman to hold it? Yes, you can go to the ice cellar for five or six hours.

"Just find a woman."

Ning Mengyao raised her eyebrows and looked at Qiao Tianchang: "my intuition told me that he would take a few hours of ice bath."


"Ha ha, Tianchang, you can wait. Next time you meet, you will know what kind of solution he is going to take." If I just find a woman, I'm sure I won't be unhappy. The latter will be sad.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's harmless mischief to his wife. Obviously, he intends to open and close his eyes, as long as he doesn't use this kind of thing on him.

Qinghuai several people walk behind them in ningmengyao. When they hear each other, they can't help blinking. How can they not know that their young lady still has such a side.

When the men turned over to find Miao, Ning Mengyao and his family had already arrived.

"Uncle Ren." Ning Mengyao goes to Xiao Ren's house and sees that Xiao Ren is arranging things with his people.

Hearing Ning Mengyao's voice, Xiao Ren was shocked for a moment. When he saw them, he quickly waved the people away.

Stand up and stride to Ning Mengyao: "Miss, you are here."

"Yes, uncle Ren has worked hard for you."

"It's OK. It's uncle Ren's job. The young lady has worked hard all the way. Go to have a rest first. I'll talk about the family affairs with you after the rest." Xiao Ren opened his mouth with a smile, without any reluctance on his face.

"Well, let's go to have a rest first." Ningmengyao and Qiao Tianchang leave, but Qinghuai Qingliu stays.

On the second day, Ning Mengyao came to Xiao Ren's house in high spirits. Xiao Ren was also waiting for him: "miss and uncle are here."


"Xiao Ren's discipline is not strict. If you join such a traitor, please punish me." Xiao Ren suddenly knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice.