Ning Mengyao reaches out to help Xiao Ren up: "Uncle Ren is no better than that. Ten fingers are still long and short. Besides, people's heart is the most difficult to guess. You have given this place all your life. It's not easy to do this. There's no need to blame yourself."

In Ning Mengyao's view, Xiao Ren has done a good job. He can't deny his efforts because the Betrayer is his grandson.

At first, they were worried about Qinghuai. Now when they see ningmengyao like this, they are finally relieved.

"By the way, what about the little ran?" Ning Mengyao suddenly thought of this man.

"In the penalty hall."

"Take me to see it." Ningmengyao is silent for a while, then she opens her mouth.

She also wanted to see what kind of person he was, who could betray his responsibility for love.

Xiao Ren doesn't want Ning Mengyao to go to the torture hall. After all, the place is too dirty and messy. I'm afraid it's a collision with the young lady.

"Miss, I'll have her brought." Xiao Ren ponders for a moment and looks at Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao thought about it, and nodded his head and agreed: "then I'll trouble uncle Ren."

After Xiao Ren went down, Ning Mengyao turned to look at them: "do you want to see that little ran?"

"See you." After all, they grew up together and were regarded as their younger sister. They couldn't stand by.

Half an hour later, a woman who was all hurt was brought in by Xiao Ren.

When Xiao ran saw the bright green Huaihe River beside Ning Mengyao, his face was very ugly: "Oh, are you coming to see my joke?"

Qinghuai thought that if Xiaoran knew his mistake, he would help him to ask for help. But now, looking at her like this, he did not know how to repent, and his face turned cold.

"Isn't that what you asked for? What do we think of your joke? Now the reason why the clan will face foreign enemies is because of your fault. " This morning, they have gone outside to see that some of the people in the family have died, which were killed while resisting foreign enemies.

Those people are also their relatives, but all of this is because their younger sister will become the same, how can they be embarrassed?

Ning Mengyao looked at them, with a light expression on her face, and saw Xiao ran, who was full of hostility to the two of them: "are you Xiao ran? That's all. "

"Who do you think you are?" Even though he is in a mess now, Xiao Ran is proud and unwilling to have any inferiority in front of ningmengyao.

Xiao Ren's face sank. He raised his foot and kicked it at the bend of Xiao Ran's foot. Xiao ran stumbled and fell to his knees.

"Is it worth selling one's brothers and relatives for the existence of a dark guard?" Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao ran and asked earnestly.

Little ran was silent. During this time, her mind was always under the illusion that Xiao Ming would come to save her and marry her. But day by day, when something happened in the family, she knew from other people's mouths that there were invaders outside, and the reason was Xiao Ming's betrayal.

Xiao Ming has an identity and status outside. She's very unrestrained. What about her? But in the dark cell, receiving endless beating.

Over and over again, her hopes turned into disappointment, and she was severely hurt by her favorite people. She believed Xiao Ming so much, even because he betrayed his brother and their responsibilities.

But in the end? Reality gave her a big slap.

So when she saw them, she would say something like this.

Because they didn't listen to their persuasion and did such a thing at the beginning, and now they get the retribution. Are they particularly happy to see her end so miserable?

It's also her stupidity that she would believe what Xiao Ming said.

"It's my business, it's none of your business." No matter how regretful Xiao Ran's heart was and how much he wanted to catch Xiao Ming and beat him hard, but in front of Ning Mengyao and them, she was still the little ran who didn't hit the heart of the south wall and didn't die.

She won't give them the chance to laugh at themselves. Absolutely not.