Not fall fierce turn head to look at Feng Xiao: "impossible."

Feng Xiao looked at the face that had finally changed, and suddenly the mood changed very well: "why not? How big is the person who sells news for power in the world? I happen to know that one. It's only a matter of time before I want to get those things. Don't worry. I'll let you have a look with me. "

"Of course I want to see it. I want to see you come in a high-profile way and walk in a mess. Isn't that interesting?"

"I'm afraid it's going to disappoint you."

After a few days, Feng Xiao's face was not very good-looking. Even though he was wearing a mask, he could feel that he was angry.

She doesn't want to pay any attention to this man's affairs now.

The reason why fengxiao is so angry is that he just received the news that his people are quietly decreasing.

That is to say, someone is attacking them, and no one can be found, even no trace.

This news, let Feng Xiao originally very beautiful mood, changed is not so wonderful.

Feng Xiao turned to look at it and suddenly smiled, "you're gambling. You bet Ning Mengyao can win me."

Without speaking, fengxiao takes her as the default.

Feng Xiao approached her step by step. When she was only one step away, she stopped and said, "what else do you know?"

He confessed that he had dug up almost all the secrets that had not fallen on him, but suddenly he found that he knew only one or two of them.

He didn't know what he really knew.

If it's on the west coast, he won't be bothered like this. Not counting his ability, it will take time to investigate some things in a strange place.

"What else do you know about fengxiao Did not fall a face to look at Feng Xiao in surprise, but the eyes are such ridicule and ridicule.

Feng Xiao snorted coldly and turned away. It seemed that he was angry.

But did not fall in the moment when he left a big sigh of relief, facing this man, her spirit can only be tightly stretched, just like a tightly pulled string.

She does know a lot about WeiLuo. She also knows that fengxiao will fail this time, or even die. She can leave from this place, or even not let fengxiao find out. But as soon as she thinks about her son, WeiLuo will suppress the idea of leaving in her heart.

This man is a variable, only with him, she can always pay attention to her son.

For her, as long as her son lives well, it's more important than anything.

After leaving the palace, Feng Xiao went directly to the place where Ning Mengyao was, but only outside.

When fengxiao passed by, he happened to see that the people in the family were fighting with his people. They didn't get any benefits, and the people in the family couldn't do anything to them.

The arrival of fengxiao is a kind of support and strength for the people on their side. But soon, their blessings will disappear and they will be trembling instead.

"So many people have been killed, but now you haven't even found the shadow of each other?" Feng Xiao's sharp eyes scanned the crowd.

"Lord, this matter..."

"Enough, I don't care what method you use to find the entrance as fast as possible." The place where they are now is the entrance that Xiao Ming said, but it's no longer closed here. Instead, there are all kinds of endless traps. They don't even know what will appear in this place next second.

It's because of this that I've been stuck here for so long.

"But if you do it..." One of them, very worried about the proposal, which means obviously that I hope fengxiao can make a move.

Feng Xiao looked at the speaker coldly. If he could do it, he would have done it long ago. He still needs to wait until now.